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Meet Mariam Hydara — A BU Insider and Talk Show Host

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Going from high school to college can be quite an adjustment for some people, and with the plethora of clubs and organizations that have a place at Boston University, one can easily find themselves wondering where to start. Even in my second year at BU, I still find myself floundering when it comes to what organizations interest me, and sometimes I feel out of the loop with what’s going on around me. However, in times like these, I look to my good friend Mariam Hydara, a classified go-getter and budding expert on the activities of BU. Ever since I met Mariam freshman year I have been inspired by her commitment and drive, and look towards her for guidance on how to put myself out there. If any of you feel like you’re not quite there yet in terms of getting involved, a chat with Mariam will put you on the right track.

Q: could you tell me a little about your life at BU?

A: Of course! I’m currently a sophomore in the College of General Studies, which is a liberal arts 2-year program where you study a specific core curriculum of the arts. After the two-year CGS program, you transition to your school of choice at BU, and I plan to major in Journalism at COM and minor in Psychology at CAS.

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Q: what activities and/or organizations at BU are you a part of?

A: I’m a part of Stage Troupe, which is one of the four main theatre groups at BU, and this year I got to do “combat” where you have 24 hours to receive a script and create a product around it. It was very chaotic but VERY fun, and I’m super proud of the finished pieces we had. I’m also involved in the One Acts Festival, showcasing December 3rd-4th so be there or be square! I also try to be involved in the African Students Organization, but my involvement in WTBU takes up a majority of my time because I’m on the e-board and part of two talk shows. In addition to BU activities and clubs, I also have two part-time on-campus jobs where one of them is library security at Mugar Library and the other is a ticket-seller at Agganis Arena.

Q: What do you think encouraged you to involve yourself in all these activities, such as having two jobs this semester?

A: Well, I genuinely feel like I’ve lost the ability to chill and take a breather, which may not be entirely healthy but it’s pushed me to take productivity into my own hands and keep myself moving with all these activities. I’m extremely extroverted and have a lot of interests, so I wanted to make it a point in college to venture into all of those interests and see how everything will benefit me — academically, socially, and even for my resume. Honestly, I think I’ve always been like this because in high school I was heavily involved in school activities like softball because I loved the feeling of being in a group of people that are heading to the same goal. I also think this is one of the only times in my life that I’ll be able to be a part of these many versatile things, and I want to take advantage of this in college instead of in the future when I don’t have time.

Q: Do you feel like being a part of all these clubs/organizations has allowed you to learn more about BU than before?

A: I definitely feel like these opportunities have allowed me to learn more about BU, because first of all, I wouldn’t have known any of these activities even existed if I didn’t come in with the mindset of putting myself out there. I’ve learned that BU is fairly diverse and encourages its students to lead things that coincide with their interests. I definitely wouldn’t have known nearly as much about ticket sales or my peers if I didn’t branch out and join a variety of clubs. Plus, it also made me realize how you’re able to find small, safe spaces on a large-scale campus.

Q: You mentioned earlier that you lead a radio show at BU? Could you tell us more about your WTBU radio show?

A: WTBU is BU’s on-campus radio station, and we are on air from 6 am-midnight 7 days a week every week for the academic school year. We hold a lot of different shows and each show has one or more DJs leading it. As a DJ you are at liberty to lead any show that you’d like, and my show specifically is BU in the Morning! On this show, we talk about the current events of BU and unravel any secrets lingering on campus. I’m also on another show called What would you play? where we pick a situation every week and discuss what music we would play in regards to that theme!

Q: What has been your most rewarding experience(s) in these organizations while at BU?

A: The most rewarding experiences to me would probably have to be the interviews I do at WTBU because those are the times that I feel closest to my career choice of being a broadcast journalist. These are the moments where I feel like I’m making true human connections and networks that will help me in the future, and I am extremely grateful for these experiences. I feel completely competent and confident while conducting interviews, and I love being able to lead conversations with so many different people.

Q: Now, for my final question, is there any advice you could give to BU students still searching for ways to get involved?

A: My advice to BU students would be to really put yourself out there, if you find a club or organization that you are even remotely interested in… just try it! Sign up, check for incoming emails, and make it to the first meeting of these clubs to gauge what the environment is like. If you don’t find yourself liking a certain thing, that’s okay! There’s plenty of other things out there. Use resources like Splash and Students Activities website to help find what interests you, and if all else fails… consider starting your OWN club that truly calls to you and others.

My Q&A with Mariam led to yet another revelation — I need to put myself out there more. It’s time to take matters into our own hands and get involved because there’s a whole community and uncovered interests waiting to be found. The only thing holding us back is the fear of being too busy!

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All the way from St. Petersburg, Florida, Isabella is currently a sophomore at Boston University majoring in Psychology and minoring in Public Policy Analysis. Her hobbies include coffee dates, traveling, concerts, and fashion, and you can usually find her running late to class with a Starbucks drink in her hand!