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Jimmy Kable ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Jimmy Kable, SMG ’14, hails from sunny Yorba Linda, CA and already has a leg-up in the business world.  Jimmy started his own business called Base Threads which is an innovative clothing company.  You can see Jimmy rocking his designs while around West Campus.
            With the many additions to Greek Life this year, there is also the brand new fraternity Omicron Pi Alpha, OΠA, which Jimmy enjoys being apart of.  When he isn’t with his brothers, he enjoys playing basketball, painting, and graphic design.  Jimmy plans to spend the summer hanging out at the beach and working on his business.
            We’ll leave the readers with some words of wisdom and Jimmy’s words to live by:  “We always regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do.”


Lindsey Reese is a sophomore at Boston University majoring in Print Journalism with a minor in International Relations. Hailing from down south in Waco, Texas, Lindsey decided to take the first opportunity to experience the city life in Boston. She developed a love for other cultures and saw Boston as the perfect playground for discovering new people and backgrounds. Lindsey enjoys marketing in the Public Relations Student Society of America, working for BUTV, and being a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Homework and clubs don't stop her from enjoying an occasional Friends marathon or going out for fro-yo with her roommates. The future holds many promises, but Lindsey has her sights on a specific dream: writing for Vogue or InStyle. Graduation might be years away, but Lindsey is ready to hit the pavement next semester looking for internships at local magazines.