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Interview with “What I Wore” Blogger Jessica Quirk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


            As the weather gets cooler, hello fabulous scarves and boots, inspiration to dress up in anything other than sweats or leggings can be hard to find. Enter Jessica Quirk, personal style blogger of What I Wore, bringing her own sartorial perspective to the table! I recently corresponded with Jessica to get to know her fashion/style perspective.

            Style is developed over time and experience, and inspiration can come from all over. What I Wore inspiration comes to us from Bloomington, Indiana where Quirk devotes her time to working on her personal style blog. Its main feature is the Daily Outfit post with pictures of a look and details about that look. In addition to the daily outfits, the blog also includes posts of DIY projects, links to other blogs, and blogging tips.

            What I Wore is meant to provide people with inspiration and suggestions for their own outfits and lives. As such, when asked about an item that can instantly update an outfit, Quirk suggests a leopard print scarf. Her own scarf has been getting a workout lately, as she finds herself using it in a variety of looks; it is a go-to item that can be dressed up or down! And in my personal opinion, leopard has definitely upgraded from trendy to classic in the past few years. Designers and fashionistas alike have begun matching this print with just about everything.

            This love for a classic look is also evident in Quirk’s fashion inspiration – Diane Keaton. The actress has made an impact on the blogger through the way Keaton – and the characters she portrays – “does menswear in her own quirky way.” This appreciation of Keaton’s style has woven its way into Quirk’s own sense of style, as seen in the many posts that include blazers, button-down shirts, and hats. Of course, Annie Hall is her all-time favorite movie while other movies from the mid to late seventies are also enjoyed.

            Quirk also feels that DIY fashion is a great way to personalize a look. Of all her DIY projects for What I Wore, the coin charm bracelet has been Quirk’s favorite. This bracelet is especially awesome because it is made of coins from the blogger’s previous travels. When asked about future travels, the Quirk says that she would like to explore more places in the US. Some standout cities to visit: “Savannah, Seattle, Portland, Austin and Nashville top my list!” 

So HCers, check out http://whatiwore.tumblr.com/ to inspire some new and unique looks!

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."