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If Disney Princesses Went to BU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


I’m not ashamed to admit that I am a huge Disney fan. In fact, I’m pretty sure I spend the first two thirds (yes, two thirds) of my life imagining I was a Disney Princess (and/or Mary-Kate and Ashley). As a result, each and every one of the princesses have a special place in my heart. I have, therefore, decided to take a stroll down memory lane and bring my childhood obsession to college by delving into the deep, thought-provoking question that I’m sure has been on everyone’s mind: What if the Disney Princesses went to BU?

Mulan, Mulan: Mulan would be that chick in the weight room at Fitrec bench-pressing twice as much weight as the guy next to her with Beyoncé’s “Flawless” blasting through her headphones. She would spend her free time working at the Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism and would be a poli-sci major with a minor in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality studies. She would be campaigning for Elizabeth Warren, and her idols would include Wendy Davis, Hilary Clinton and Anna Wintour (because feminists can definitely be fashionistas as well!) She walks with a rape whistle, took the self-defence class put on by the BUPD and is also in the mixed martial arts class so she’s basically fearless.

Pocahontas, Pocahontas:  Pocahontas would definitely be a vegan, a huge supporter of “Make a Difference Monday” and an Environmental Policy and Analysis Major. In the fall, she would be that girl walking back to her room with a huge bag of produce from the Farmer’s Market at the GSU–“organic” would be her favorite word. She loves being outdoors but also hates the cold so she’s the first to take advantage of the warm weather and probably stays in Boston during the summer. She works really closely with the sustainability program at BU and gets visibly upset when people say that they don’t recycle or that climate change isn’t real. She will probably save the world.

Ariel, The Little Mermaid: Ariel would definitely be a vocal performance major in CFA and be in an acapella group on campus. She would be that girl who can’t wait to get out and explore the world, spending her time pining for the day when she will finally gets to study abroad. She would know where everything in Boston is (not just Newbury Street) and have actually ventured off the Green line. She would be adventurous and high-spirited, as well as having an eclectic group of friends. She would probably fall in love with a dreamy, Italian guy named Paulo on one of her semesters abroad, and have a long-distance relationship until she can actually move there to be with him. She would travel Europe, and probably the world; let’s face it, this chick was not meant to stay in one place.

Jasmine, Aladdin: One word: di-va. This is the girl walking down Comm. Ave like she owns the place, wearing 6 inch stiletto boots while the rest of us are trudging through the snow in UGGs, just praying not to fall. She’s a finance major in SMG, set to take over the family business but recently has been considering taking a different path. Despite her obvious wealth, she desperately wants to distance herself from her parents’ money and create her own destiny. She would often be heard complaining about her lack of freedom. Although the poor-little-rich-girl act can get kind of old (especially when the rest of us are worried about paying off a mountain of student loans after we graduate) her generosity is so endearing you can’t help but like her.

Belle, Beauty and the Beast: Belle is an English Major; pre-law but secretly wants to be an author. Her after school job would be at Mugar and she actually really enjoys it. She would be that girl who actually does the reading before the lecture (not just before the midterm) and is always prepared for class. All her professors would love her because she asks the most insightful questions and everyone wants to borrow her notes and/or study with her for exams. While she may be a little nerdy, guys would flock to her because she gives off that good girl vibe. But don’t be fooled, she is not the girl who takes crap from anyone–especially guys. She would shut you down in an instant, so approach with caution.

Tiana, The Princess and the Frog: This is the girl who you’d want to live next door to because she’s always whipping up something amazing in the kitchen and loves to share. She would be getting a dual degree major in SHA and SMG and dream of one day owning her own restaurant. She would work 3 jobs in addition to the pastry business she runs out of her apartment to pay off her student loans. If you’re having a bad day, she would instantly drop whatever she’s doing and show up at your room with a batch of cheesecake brownies (homemade, of course!), a bottle of wine and Pretty Woman. She knows which food trucks have the best food and will always encourage to try new cuisines. You would hardly ever get to see her because she’s so busy but when you finally catch up over Sunday brunch it’s always a good time.

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.