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How You Can be a part of a Sustainable BU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


A big part of BU is its sustainability initiative. We see signs promoting sustainability all the time, but how can we really get involved? And what’s in it for you?

Sustainability@BU’s website provides 10 easy ways to live a greener life on campus. Try any of the following to lower your carbon footprint and you’ll also see positive differences in your own life:

1.     “Bring Your Own Mug”

By bringing your own mug/cup you help reduce the amount of waste coffee shops make. If you bring your own reusable mug to an on-campus Starbucks or City Co on campus, you get a discount and many other cafes/coffee shops on and off-campus offer small discounts to those who byom. Your mug is also one more cute accessory you can personalize. Reduce waste and get a deal on some tasty java!


2.     “Think Before you Print”

Do you really need all of those pages you want to print? A flash drive can easily hold all of your files and you can edit them right on the spot. You can also email files rather than printing them. You’ll save yourself a trip to the print room and you’ll have fewer things to carry. However, if you really need to print, consider printing double sided (you’ll save paper and printing pages for yourself). Also, consider that for every time you release a print job, a header page is printed with your name, so try to consolidate all of you print jobs into one.


3.     “Turn Off the Lights”

Think about it. Your room doesn’t need to be lit if you’re not there.



4.     “Use LED Light Bulbs”

LED light bulbs are extremely energy efficient and long-lasting. You’ll replace your light bulbs less (in your own lamps—not BU lighting). Fun fact: an LED bulb can cut energy consumption by over 80% when compared to conventional light bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer.

5.     “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”

Living by this motto is easy. Here are some simple examples. Use a reusable shopping bag when you go get groceries instead of getting the plastic ones at the market—BU even gives you a big red bag. Use a reusable water bottle when filling up at home or on the go. You’ll save money from buying a plastic one and you’ll reduce waste. When you’re done using anything made of glass, plastic, metal or paper, put it in the correct recycling receptacle. All residences have a place to recycle. Remember to compost correctly at the GSU—there are signs you can follow if you have confusion. If you cook for yourself, only make what you’ll eat so you don’t throw out the rest. The same goes for the dining hall—just watch your portion. There are plenty of ways to live this way—just get creative and think a little deeper.


6.     “Unplug Your Power Cords”

Just save a little power. If you’re not using your cords, what’s the point of keeping them plugged in? You probably don’t have your hair straightener powered 24/7.


7.     “Power Down Computers”

By powering down your computer, you’re saving power but you’re also giving your computer time to recharge. If you’re one to leave your laptop running constantly and only closing it when you’re done, you can damage your battery and cause your laptop not to last as long. Also, when you power down, you clear all of that nonsense you’ve accumulated from your servers so you’re computer will be faster when you turn it back on.



8.     “Take Shorter Showers”

You’re saving water and energy used to heat that water, but you’re also saving yourself time. Don’t use your shower to procrastinate—get in and get out and you’ll have more time.


9.     “Eat less Meat”

Meat-based animal products cause higher carbon emissions. By giving up one meat-based meal a week, you’ll make a difference and you’ll try new foods. Finding alternative means of protein can be beneficial and you’ll discover new tastes.



10.     “Wash Clothes in Cold Water”

Again, you’re saving energy used to heat the water, which is good, but you’re also extending the life of your clothes. Over time, hot/warm water can wash the dye out of your clothes, causing them to look old and faded. Preserve the colors by washing with cold.


*There is not an 11th point on the website, but this one is just as important*

11. “Use Public Transportation”

Riding the BU Shuttle or taking MBTA trains and buses is way cheaper than taking a cab or an Uber, or even keeping a car on campus. You’ll save a significant amount of money and gas emissions by riding on this shared “carpool” system.


For more serious facts and figures about each of these tips, check out each section on Sustainability@BU. If you’re interested in bigger things you can do on campus to get involved with sustainability, check out other portions of the website. Whether you’re interested in education, bike riding/sharing or car sharing or more, the resources are all there for you.

If you want to do even more research, check out which buildings at BU are LEED certified and what that means. Also, BU Dining Services also has put together its sustainability report from this past year. Find out how dining has worked to be more environmentally friendly here.


An advertising student at Boston University, Allison Penn has been writing for HCBU since fall 2013. Her favorite beat is tips for internships and professionalism, but enjoys musing about pop culture too. She loves the weekly #Adweekchat, children's books, the colors olive and eggplant, Friends, magazines and dark chocolate. Secretly, she still wishes she could be a ballerina when she grows up. Follow on Twitter: @AllisonRebeccaP