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How to Throw a Last Minute Award-Winning Emmy Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The Emmy Awards is a national holiday for all you TV lovers out there. It’s a time where you get to see all your favorite TV characters mingling together in the same room. What’s better than watching Liz Lemon chat up Don Draper on the red carpet? Or seeing Vampire Bill in a suit? Here are a few last-minute tips to making a fun, low-key evening a bit more special.

1. Dress up… comfortably! You will be sitting in front of the TV for a few hours, so while other websites may say to wear a ballgown, I say go for comfort. Wear your pajamas, but have your friends come over early to do a celebrity make-over. You’ll be inside all night, so no one will see your glittery eye-shadow or over-the-top hairdo.

2. Start early. While the actual awards do not start until 7p.m., we all know the best part comes beforehand. To get complete red carpet coverage, tune into E! at 5p.m. Don’t deny your love for judging celebrity outfits along with Giuliana Rancic or Kelly Osbourne.

3. Print out ballots. Before the awards start, print out ballots for you and your friends so you can mark which shows and actors you think will win. At the end, have each person tally up the number of correct predictions, and give the winner a prize (or just bragging rights)! You can find ballots here: http://www.buzzsugar.com/Printable-Emmy-Ballot-2012-24933015

4. Food. We all know that food is the best part of any party. If you don’t have time to cook (or order in) an extravagant meal, run to the closest CVS or 7-11 and get the staples: chips and salsa, oreos, and maybe bagel bites if you are feeling extra fancy.

5. Take pictures. Time to put your paparazzi skills to good use. Pose alongside your favorite celebs (aka the TV screen) or your friends and take pictures. It’s never too early to start practicing your red carpet model strut.

The 64th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards will air Sunday, September 23rd at 7p.m. ET on ABC with host Jimmy Kimmel.

Image from: http://www.goldderby.com/awardshows/events/emmy-awards-nominations-2012….