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How Living at BU is like Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


1.     You can live right across from your best friends, and they occasionally barge in and invade your space, but you really love it.

2.     You learn things in class.

3.     You and your buddies have that one special hang out…like GSU, SMG Starbucks, you know your place.

4.     Dining hall food. Think Monica’s cooking. And Late Night Kitchen and Extreme Pita and Late Nite. Or all of those perfect dorm snacks like Ben & Jerry’s, guacamole or ramen noodles.

5.     You have those deep, stimulating conversations. Maybe with your friends or with your professors.

6.     You get hit on… a lot.

7.     Those days where you do the most ridiculous activities. Have you ever built a blanket fort in your room? Childhood activities are the MOST fun in college.

8.     Newbury Street is only a few T stops away

9.     The parties are always mostly girls

10.  Sleeping in and Netflix is the best way to spend the weekend.

11.  There’s a coffee shop every other block. There’s Starbucks, Dunkin’, Starbucks, Pavement, Starbucks, Blue State…

12.  You’ll make that close group of friends you’ll always be able to rely on even after graduation, no matter what.

An advertising student at Boston University, Allison Penn has been writing for HCBU since fall 2013. Her favorite beat is tips for internships and professionalism, but enjoys musing about pop culture too. She loves the weekly #Adweekchat, children's books, the colors olive and eggplant, Friends, magazines and dark chocolate. Secretly, she still wishes she could be a ballerina when she grows up. Follow on Twitter: @AllisonRebeccaP
Summer is a Boston University graduate ('15) that received a BS in Journalism with a concentration in magazine journalism. Her interests include editorial design and lifestyle, fashion, and beauty content, as she aspires to be a fashion magazine writer and editor. She is currently a fashion and beauty writer for Bustle.com and previously served as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Boston University. Summer likes to think of herself as a lipstick enthusiast and smoothie connoisseur, so when she isn't writing for Bustle, you could probably find her sipping on a strawberry-banana smoothie and planning her next purchases at Sephora. Follow Summer on Twitter @SummerArlexis