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How to Dress for Your Summer Internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

This summer, college kids everywhere will head home and try to get some sun, see old friends, and maybe make some extra money. A select number of college students will instead chose to intern all summer at an array of businesses, and often not get paid. Some will work at fashion magazines, others at a finance firm, but regardless of where you work, it’s important to know how to dress.
The rule you should always live by is to keep it professional. An internship is a job, in spite of maybe not being paid, and your employers will expect you to be dressed appropriately. While you need to dress appropriately, that doesn’t mean you cant have style or bring color to your office. It’s the summer after all and you should be allowed to have some fun!

Some great tips for how to dress for your summer internship are as follows: Invest in a few great pieces like a sundress that you can wear to work with a cardigan or colorful jacket. Floral and pastel blazers are perfect for internships because they are business formal but add a splash of style. When looking for pants, be bold and wear colored jeans or printed pants. Patterned skirts, that are at least knee length, are perfect alternatives for pants on hot summer days. Colorful blouses are always a yes, but make sure not to go too crazy, some employers may think you left on your clothes from the night before! Finally, finish it off with a great summer wedge sandal, one that’s easy to walk in and run errands. Add some statement jewelry and a simple bag and you are all set for your summer internship!

Cheap Mondays denim shirt $45.00
J.crew pleated skirt $128.00
Kate Spade sandal $328.00

Topshop blazer $70.00
J.Crew necklace $150.00
Mango dress $65.00

Equipment blouse $208.00
Zara pants $80.00
Nv London satchel $200.00

Ashley Rossi is a sophomore at Boston University studying Magazine Journalism and Mass Communication. After living in a small town for most of her childhood she looked towards the city for an exciting adventure. At BU Ashley has volunteered with the Community Service Center and written for various publications, including The Buzz and College Fashionista. Her goal is to eventually run the creative department for any major fashion magazine or international design house. Ashley also blogs daily on her blog, Gossip, Chanel, and English Tea on Tumblr. In the meantime she enjoys relaxing on the beach, watching Gossip Girl and Weeds, and reading the next Lauren Weisberger novel.