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How to be the Ultimate COM Biddie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


The title of “COM Biddie” is known by many, but owned by the lucky few. COM refers to the College of Communication at Boston University where students can study journalism, public relations, advertising, etc. A biddie is somewhat harder to describe but usually a young, attractive, collegiate female. The combination makes for one girl with an insane Instagram. You might think the term COM Biddie is easy to obtain, but don’t get ahead of yourself. If someone ever refers to you as a COM Biddie, just glow in that shining moment and know you’re doing a lot of things right.

Why You’re In COM Let’s just call a spade a spade – math wasn’t your forte in high school was it? While working on the Common App you eliminated mathematician, doctor, engineer and accountant, then something magical happened, and COM fell right into your lap. This major requires great social media skills (good thing you had a Twitter in 2006), a passion for finding the next great story and a personality no one can resist. You’ll explore your options in COM 101 dreaming of being the next Savannah Guthrie, Lauren Conrad or Samantha Jones and soon find your home within COM.

What You Like to Do Every COM Biddie knows all work and no play will make her a dull girl and you always find activities to fill your time. You’re most likely in a sorority (Forewarning: 90% of the girls you meet during recruitment will say “I’m a PR major!”) and flaunt your lettered bag quite regularly. Don’t forget about all of your major specific activities, however, whether it’s PRSSA, AdLab or writing for HerCampus you’ve found some fun resume builders.

How to Spot A COM Biddie on Campus What makes us great is that each COM Biddie has her own unique sense of style (your fashion blog is so chic).  However, there are a few essential items in your closet. Every COM Biddie loves Madewell, Urban Outfitters, Free People, J.Crew and of course that tiny boutique around the corner. It’s an eclectic mix, but your style is just so fresh that it’s hard to grasp in one store. When you aren’t sporting your sorority bag on Letter Wednesday, you have a classic (most likely leather) tote for the rest of the week, because if you wear a backpack people will most likely assume you still have a blackberry too and who wants that? Don’t forget – each outfit always has a number of adorable accessories to compliment the look, with a special emphasis on your favorite layered bracelets or bangles. Finally, the most important rule for any COM Biddie: you can never and I mean never have enough ballet flats.

The life of a COM Biddie is fun, fabulous and only the best are fit. Not only can you balance an internship at that great agency one block away from Newbury (like that wasn’t planned), but also you have straight A’s and a full social calendar. You hate to admit it, but #COMisthebomb. 

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.