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How to Act Happy When You Get a Horrible Gift

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

It’s happened to all of us. Its time for the family Christmas party and your crazy aunt/grandmother/father/distant relative is about to give you “the best gift ever”. You get your hopes up for the new iPad, iPhone, or other cool technology you’ve been gaping at for the past year, and hope that they read your mind. You rip off the paper to reveal….. (insert worst gift ever here). 

So how do you act happy when you get a horrible gift? Don’t worry; unfortunately, I’m a pro. So I’m here to offer a little bit of wisdom to my fellow collegiettes.

Step 1: Plaster that smile on before you even start ripping the paper off. The dead giveaway that you hate a gift is when your facial expression rapidly changes from excitement to disappointment. If you stay overly happy throughout the entire process, they won’t even notice how much you hate it!

Step 2: Repeat the follow phrase “Oh my gosh – I love it! Its so unique and I never would have thought to buy it for myself!” That way, you’re only ½ lying. 

Step 3: Wear it/play with it/hang it up in your room, etc. At least for today. After all, you can always take it down tomorrow.

Step 4: When the gifter isn’t looking, check the box for the gift receipt. The only thing better than Christmas is Boxing Day.

Follow these four simple steps and you’re sure to fool your family this Christmas. Happy Gifting!!

My spirit animal is the honey badger.