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Hey There In Your Formal Wear

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

This weekend was a storm of Greek formals. The warm sun finally poked its hesitant head out, and with it came fun & fancy dresses. The one-sleeve look was a very popular one. As for colors, there was a mixture of darker winter colors and Easter-inspired pastels and pinks, evident of the transitional month of April. Either way, formals are a great excuse to get a new dress and look fancy. I got to scope out the fashion scene at my formal, and also had the pleasure of being my friend’s date at another. Here are some highlights from both:

Lindsey Reese is a sophomore at Boston University majoring in Print Journalism with a minor in International Relations. Hailing from down south in Waco, Texas, Lindsey decided to take the first opportunity to experience the city life in Boston. She developed a love for other cultures and saw Boston as the perfect playground for discovering new people and backgrounds. Lindsey enjoys marketing in the Public Relations Student Society of America, working for BUTV, and being a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Homework and clubs don't stop her from enjoying an occasional Friends marathon or going out for fro-yo with her roommates. The future holds many promises, but Lindsey has her sights on a specific dream: writing for Vogue or InStyle. Graduation might be years away, but Lindsey is ready to hit the pavement next semester looking for internships at local magazines.