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The Hawaiian Cultural Association: A Slice of Paradise in Boston

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

By Sarah Spiker

When someone mentions Hawaii, most people envision white-sand beaches, rolling waves, and the perfect vacation Instagram. But to natives, the island is more than a tropical paradise, it’s home.

With 5,000+ miles between Boston and Hawaii, BU students who are natives of Hawaii can feel like they are a long way from home. But, these students have been able to find a piece of home in the bustling concrete jungle of Boston.

“My freshman year was the first time I’ve ever been to Boston. It was a hard transition. But, joining the HCA really helped me find my group” says Jason Lau, the Co-VP of the Hawaiian Cultural Association here at Boston University.

Bringing a piece of the Pacific to cold New England may seem like a challenge, but with about 50 active members, the Hawaiian Cultural Association here on campus has been able to do just that.



“Each month, we try to have at least 2 events on campus. However, our biggest event, our Luau is during the second semester. As E-board members, we try to bring bits and pieces of home to Boston.” says Brianna Hollister, the President of the organization.

With events such as hula workshops and all-you-can-eat sushi, HCA is an active cultural organization on campus.


Yet, you don’t have to be from the island to get involved.

Events hosted by HCA are open to all, regardless of whether you’re native to the island or have only dreamed of visiting.

“All of our events are open to everyone, whether you’re from the island or just someone who wants to learn more about the Hawaiian culture. Our goal is to celebrate the rich culture of Hawaii with the rest of campus.” says Hollister.

Whether you’re a connoisseur or a newbie to everything Hawaii-related, the Hawaiian Cultural Association is an organization on campus that brings a slice of paradise to Boston.


Want to learn more about the Hawaii Cultural Association? Check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.