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Going Home for Break, As Told by Gossip Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Let’s face it, leaving for the semester is a world wind of emotions. Between saying goodbye to your roommate and trying to pack and study for finals, it can get pretty emotional. Here’s to preparing to set off for winter break, as told by Gossip Girl.

When you have to study for that last final 

But really you’re just scrolling through Tumblr 

Then you remember your flight is tomorrow and you haven’t packed AT ALL 

And you have no clean clothes so you have to improvise   

When you have to say goodbye to your roommate for a WHOLE MONTH 

Going through the airport lines like… 

But then you remember you get to see your pets at home 

And you have unlimited access to a full fridge  

When you are reunited with your hometown BFFs   

When your parents ask how your finals went  

And all your relatives want to know why you’re still single  

Remember colligettes, going home may be stressful, but in the end, a month off is pretty glorious.   


Sophie is a junior at Boston University studying Psychology and Education. When she isn't memorizing parts of the brain or writing papers on the philosophies of teaching, she likes to dance, shop, and obsess over her pet rabbit.
Summer is a Boston University graduate ('15) that received a BS in Journalism with a concentration in magazine journalism. Her interests include editorial design and lifestyle, fashion, and beauty content, as she aspires to be a fashion magazine writer and editor. She is currently a fashion and beauty writer for Bustle.com and previously served as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Boston University. Summer likes to think of herself as a lipstick enthusiast and smoothie connoisseur, so when she isn't writing for Bustle, you could probably find her sipping on a strawberry-banana smoothie and planning her next purchases at Sephora. Follow Summer on Twitter @SummerArlexis