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Getting Back Midterms: How to Deal with Low Grades

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


So about those midterms.

There are no two ways around it: midterms suck. A lot.

You study this huge range of material in-depth for weeks on end, for one exam that may or may not cover what you thought it would. So you drive yourself insane trying to cram it all into your mind, only to discover that spending hours and hours on chapter three either wasn’t good enough, or was something that you didn’t actually need to know. Why didn’t they tell me this before I started studying??

Then once you think the agony is over, you get them back. And even after spending your entire weekend toiling over calculus and breakeven points, you don’t get a score close to what you wanted. How to deal?

If you’re unhappy with your grade, speak with a professor.

Ask them to clarify problems you got wrong, or if it’s a paper, why the grade was what it was. Do not ask them to change your grade unless you sincerely believe that it is deserving of a higher grade (and be honest. Professors can tell when you’re just trying to get a higher grade for your GPA and not because you feel you actually think your work is better). Ask them what you can do better next time. Let them know how hard you studied for this grade, and how. Chances are they have suggestions to help you prepare better next time.

It’s in their job description to help you- just ask for it.

Now you know what’s necessary.

If you were completely unprepared (or just studied wrong), now you know what the professors expect from you. You’ve seen the test format (or if it’s an essay, the way they grade) and you can prep for the final, or the next midterm. Since this should only be a portion of your grade, you can work your butt off and do better next time to bring that grade up. Get a tutor. Read more carefully. Take notes. Stop texting in class.
You also know you have three other classes to help balance out this grade- use them.

It’s just a grade. You are more than just a number.

At the end of the day, it helps to remember that it’s only a grade. In the grand scheme of things, no one is going to not hire you because of one bad grade. Get a kickass internship and some experience on your resume- that’s what you will be hired for. I promise, even the people who flunk out of school or drop out have jobs- and if you have skill, work ethic, and experience, you can work your way up. It’s not the end of the world! If grad school is your aim, use your professors, other classes, and other semesters to balance out your GPA. If you just want to get a degree and get out, then this is just one road bump on the way to graduation.

I promise, you will be okay!!



Quinn Rodriguez is a junior at Boston University in the School of Management. Coming from beautiful Los Angeles, she deals with the Boston Winters, but loves spring more. Serving as the PR Chair for her fraternity Delta Kappa Alpha is pretty much her favorite thing ever, right next to red lipstick and people watching. Check her out at: http://quinnrodriguezonline.wordpress.com 
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.