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Free. Fun. Liquid. Meet the “Funniers” of Improv Comedy Group Liquid Fun: Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

For some, college is one big joke. However, for a select few students, college is literally about making jokes. In addition to being a part of on-campus comedy groups, these few students have been cracking up audiences around Boston. Part 2 of “Free. Fun. Liquid.” (hyperlink http://www.hercampus.com/school/bu/free-fun-liquid-meet-funniers-bus-imp…)

Ian Blau (COM ’15)
After performing in dramas in high school, Blau didn’t want to continue doing traditional theatre in college, which is why he joined Liquid Fun. He also started doing stand-up comedy this year, being one of the eight BU representatives for National Collegiate Comedy Competition at ImprovBoston.
“I have to constantly be performing and testing material. It’s such a rush too; once you get on stage your time becomes a blur. It definitely takes a lot of chutzpah, but I enjoy the risk of going onstage,” said Blau.
Delaney Moghanian (CAS ’14)
Moghanian has been doing improve since middle and has been continuing through college. She is starting an improv troupe in San Diego, with members from college teams from all over the US.
“I do stand up too, because Duffy (another Liquid Fun member) made me. I’m thankful cause I really enjoy it,” said Moghanian.
Alex Pomerantz (CAS ’12)
After joining Liquid Fun on a whim freshman year, Pomerantz started making some of his favorite memories with Liquid Fun. He has also dabbled with stand-up comedy and playing the guitar for comedic purposes. He will be performing this Thursday at Nick’s Comedy Studio at 8:30pm.
“I immediately realized improv was what was missing from my life after one rehearsal. I was hooked on the stuff. It’s raw imagination and expression and can involve two little old ladies with an affinity for Gangsta rap or little baby Jesus playing with crocodiles,” said Pomerantz.
Ari Stern (CAS ’13)
Stern has been doing a lot of stand up around and off campus, opening for Ahmed Ahmed at Metcalf in early March, and advancing in the National Collegiate Comedy Competition. He is also putting a podcast together with Blau and working on a YouTube series (hyperlink http://www.youtube.com/user/AriAndCody) with another BU student Cody Brotter.
“It’s a shame that it’s impossible to retell an improvised scene. The scenes I love are when we create or do things so fast that we don’t realize what we’re doing until its over… I also love those moments when you make eye contact with another Funner and with just a look you know exactly what the story or game is going to be,” said Stern.

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."
Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.