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Five Haunted Attractions Open in Massachusetts This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Just because Halloween is more or less canceled this year, it doesn’t mean we can’t still have some spooky fun (safely, of course). Many haunted houses and haunted trails in Massachusetts are open this fall, and they have each outlined specific COVID-19 protocols that all guests must follow. We can still have fun this fall in a safe way! So grab some of your besties and get ready for a fright at one of the haunted attractions below.

Barrett’s Haunted Mansion (Abington, MA)

Just a 30-minute drive from Boston, Barrett’s Haunted Mansion is a great place to bring friends on a chilly, spooky night. Barrett’s is presenting a brand new attraction this year due to COVID-19, called “Screens and Screams.” This new attraction is a safe way to have fun and still get a good scare. “Screens and Screams” is a drive-in movie theater, where they will be playing a variety of double-feature films, from classic horror to modern-day terror. On top of that, actors will be roaming around the outdoor theater to come and scare you in your car so it feels like you are really in the movie. Buy your tickets now for a night you won’t forget!

Witch’s Woods (Westford, MA)

Witch’s Woods features five different terrifying attractions, including their Haunted Hayride, Castle Morbid, Jack O’Lantern Jamboree, Horrorwood Chamber of Chills, and Vampire Passage. Witch’s Woods has a very specific COVID-19 protocol since they have so many attractions open; all guests must wear face coverings, stay in groups of less than 10 people, and obey directional walkways. This haunted attraction is located at Nashoba Valley Ski Area about 50 minutes from Boston, and they say that it has been taken over by souls of the dead. Do you dare enter? If you do, buy your tickets now.

Factory of Terror (Fall River, MA)

Factory of Terror has not released a 2020 schedule yet, but they have promised to be back for this fall season so that they can scare you to death (their words, not mine). They have created an elaborate COVID-19 safety plan so that guests can come to get scared and be safe at the same time. They will have timed tickets and groups will stay in their groups (no mixing with strangers). Masks are required, and there are sanitation stations at each attraction so you can feel safe and get a thrill at the same! Factory of Terror is just over an hour’s drive from Boston and it is reviewed very highly for their terrifying attractions, so be sure to book a ticket once their schedule is released!

Monster Mash Scream Park (South Hadley, MA)

About an hour and a half away from Boston, Monster Mash Scream Park is a bit of a hike, but I promise it’s worth it. Their haunted hayride is their most popular attraction, with other small events to keep guests on their toes. Monster Mash is following the same COVID-19 safety protocols as many of the other open haunted houses this fall, so they are very focused on keeping their guests safe and healthy. They are open every Friday and Saturday in October, so buy your tickets now for a fright!

Haunted Boston Ghost Tours (Boston, MA)

No drive needed for this one, because it’s right here in Boston! Haunted Boston Ghost Tour is a 90-minute long walking tour that takes you through the historic and haunted streets in Boston. You will hear enchanting tales about Boston’s most famous ghosts as well as lots and lots of history. So if you’re a history buff that also likes some scary stories, this one’s for you. Tours run until November, so make sure you make a reservation now to learn all about Boston’s spooky history (and maybe even see a ghost).

If the pandemic and midterms got you down, these haunted attractions are the perfect pick-me-up!

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Hi! My name is Isabelle Durso, and I am a sophomore at Boston University studying Journalism and Film & TV at the College of Communication! I am so excited to be a part of this amazing, empowering community of young women.