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An Extra-Merry 25 Days of Christmas with ABC Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


If you’re anything like me, there are three things you look forward to at Christmas time: walking in the first snow of the season (before the whole “global warming” thing…), enjoying quality time with friends and family, and dusting off my favorite Elf quotes – “You smell like beef and cheese, you don’t smell like Santa!”

Luckily for us, ABC Family has holiday movies covered – they have some pretty fantastic Christmas programming for TWENTY-FIVE whole days. Granted, they are showing Elf on seven of those days, but I’m weirdly okay with that. However, there are a few Christmas movies that are really only worth one viewing. So for those of you who would rather not watch Fred Clause on a constant loop, here are some extra-merry days to look out for on the 25 Days of Christmas schedule:

Wednesday, December 5th:

Don’t expect much from me on the hours of five to midnight on this particular day – ABC Family will be showing Elf, Home Alone, and The Polar Express, in that order, starting at 5 PM.

Sunday, December 16th:

Cozying up with some hot chocolate and a few Christmas classics will be the perfect break from hectic finals stress! From 2 PM to 9:30 PM you can watch Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Disney’s A Christmas Carol, and Toy Story 2 and 3, all in a row – I’ll probably use them as festive background noise while I study!

Monday, December 24th:

Yes, I will be waking up at 7 AM on Christmas Eve to watch all the Boy Meets World Christmas episodes as well as Full House’s “A Very Tanner Christmas.” Yes, I do consider this to be normal and healthy behavior. And Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory comes on right after!

In a sea of peculiar made-for-TV movies featuring not-quite-relevant stars, this is the A-team my friends. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."