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Cyber Communities: The Best BU Facebook Pages to Join Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

With so many new Facebook pages for BU popping up on a daily basis, it’s hard to pick which ones are worthy. To avoid the clutter of your newsfeed and get the most out of the BU community as possible, check out a few of the most helpful and interesting pages out there.


1)   BU Recommendations

Looking for the best Thai restaurant in the city? In need of a place to get your nails done or your hair cut? Are you curious about where to find French macaroons in Beantown? BU Recommendations is a student run page where you can ask fellow students for suggestions about all of the above and more. You can answer other people’s inquiries, write a post about a good experience or restaurant, or just ask all of your burning questions.


2)   BU Confessions

When you are looking for something to occupy your time (or avoid doing work) nothing is more entertaining than BU Confessions. Getting to read all the strange thoughts and happenings of the BU community is great at helping you waste away a few hours.


3)   Your official class page

Stay up to date with all the happenings of your class and share things that you’d think your fellow graduates would find interesting. Are you in need of a bunch of people to take a survey for your marketing class? This is the place to post it. With so much constantly going on around campus, it’s nice to have all the information in one place.


4)   BUtique

Do you need a dress for your sorority formal? Do you need to get rid of your winter wardrobe to make room for spring clothes? Do you like money? BUtique is an organized way to buy and sell clothes and accessories. With some amazing deals and total convenience, it’s way better than any mall. So go ahead, sell that infinity scarf that’s been lying around forever, and make some cash. One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure.


So, delete the clutter and join these pages ASAP. They’re the best of BU. 

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.