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BU Shuttle Etiquette 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Commonwealth is long and sometimes we just don’t feel like walking it. What is a BU student suppose to do? Car? Greenline? Uber? The BU Shuttle is often the cheapest way to overcome Commonwealth but it can also be one of the biggest frustrations. As long as everyone is polite, the shuttle is fine. Unfortunately, people aren’t always (or usually) all that polite. Here are 10 rules to follow if you don’t want to be the person everyone on the BU Shuttle hates!

1. Let The Passengers Pass  

It’s very tempting to shove your way onto the BU Shuttle to get that enticing, last available seat. But the more you push and shove, the longer it will take for the shuttle to get going. That means more time spent surrounded by people you just elbowed in the gut. So be nice and let the passengers off before hopping onto the shuttle.  

2. Step Away From The Door 

When you finally manage to get on the shuttle, try to walk away from the doors. Sure, close door proximity will make it easier for you when it’s your stop but it also makes it harder for people getting on the shuttle. So, step away from the doors.  

3. Personal Space Isn’t Just a Personal Issue 

Especially on rainy days, it’s going to be crowded. The best you can do? Be polite, because everyone else is in the same, uncomfortable bus as you. And try not to knock anyone over.  

4. Take A Hike, Backpacks 

If there isn’t any room for you to turn around, then there isn’t room for your backpack to have it’s own seat. Period.  

5. No PDA, Please 

Does this one need any explaining? Long and emotional phone calls are also not accepted.  

6. You Don’t Need to Dress To Impress, But You Do Need To Dress 

The BU Shuttle isn’t a runway. But nobody wants to spend their trip to the GSU seeing and smelling all the fun you had last night.  

7. Eat it and Beat it  

Food and, of course, coffee are necessities for college students. Just try not to bring on an onion bagel or spill your coffee on the next person’s sociology essay. 

8. Please Just Stop The Music  

Some people don’t want to hear Taylor Swift at 8 in the morning. Don’t force them to, turn down the volume.

9. Late But You Still Have To Wait 

The BU Shuttle app isn’t always correct. Okay, it’s usually wrong! But don’t be the person whose airing their bus complaints to all the other students stuck in your same position. Just wait for the bus or walk.  

10. Be You, Just On Time  

Sometimes, uncontrollable events happen and you’re late for the shuttle. You can see it just driving off into the distance. Unless there is a really important reason you need to be on the shuttle (like you left a baby on it), don’t start running after it like a chicken with it’s head cut off.  

For those of you who take the shuttle on the regular, you probably have or will make some of these mistakes (including a certain writer). The best we can do, is try to be as polite as possible. And hopefully we can conquer Commonwealth!



BU '18

BU Contributor
Summer is a Boston University graduate ('15) that received a BS in Journalism with a concentration in magazine journalism. Her interests include editorial design and lifestyle, fashion, and beauty content, as she aspires to be a fashion magazine writer and editor. She is currently a fashion and beauty writer for Bustle.com and previously served as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Boston University. Summer likes to think of herself as a lipstick enthusiast and smoothie connoisseur, so when she isn't writing for Bustle, you could probably find her sipping on a strawberry-banana smoothie and planning her next purchases at Sephora. Follow Summer on Twitter @SummerArlexis