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BU Dheem: Aisha Rawji

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Meet Aisha Rawji, one of the members of BU Dheem’s dance team!
Her Campus BU: How did you get involved with BU Dheem and how long have you been dancing?

Aisha Rawji: I got involved with BU Dheem at the beginning of freshman year after hearing about all the different dance teams on campus. In August, right before school started, I had performed my Arangetram (3 hour debut dance show) with my sister which had taken a year of intense training and about 12 hours of dance everyday for the whole summer. So thats why I decided to continue my passion for Indian Classical Dance at BU because I didn’t want to lose the training I worked so hard for. I have been learning and performing Bharatha Natyam, or Indian Classical Dancing since I was 5 years old, so for just over 14 years now.
HCBU: What is the club like and how often do you guys practice?

AR: BU Dheem is both an association and dance team. The association includes all people interested in the Indian Classical Arts as well as a musical group. The team, which I dance on, includes 9 Indian Classically trained girls. There are more than 5 types of Indian Classical dance styles of which we are able to display in the team.
HCBU: What are some upcoming events you have?

AR: We recently performed at BU Ballroom’s “Montage”, BU Law’s Eid and Diwali dinner, MISHAAL’s “Do it for Music” and Kol Echad’s “One Voice: A performance of Different Cultures and Faiths”…of which we performed next to some of the most well-known groups on campus. We also host our own shows each fall and spring held in the dance theater at FitRec.

Next weekend, November 19th in Tsai Auditorium we will be performing at the BU India Club’s Cultural Show along with BU’s 6 other Indian dance teams
HCBU: What is your favorite part about Dheem?

AR: My favorite part about Dheem is how dedicated everyone is to dance. We all love what we do and it really shows how much passion we have for Indian Classical Arts. We’re also a family more than anything and its always great to come together, do what we love, and escape from the outside world for a few hours.
HCBU: Where did your interest in Indian dance come from?

AR: Well, when I was five I absolutely hated dance. I was a tom-boy and my parents forced me to go since my sister had joined a year before me. Bharatha Natyam is based off of Hindu Mythology and through dance we tell stories about the different gods. Well, I am Muslim so when I was little I especially had no idea what was going on. But as I got older I was able to really see how much dance kept me focused and how exciting it actually was.
HCBU: Are you inspired by anyone in particular?

AR: My Guru, Viji Prakash, has always been and will always be my inspiration. Not just for dance. She was able to get me through some of the most difficult times in my life by showing me that dance is one thing that will always be there and bring happiness to me no matter what. She is also one of the most breathtaking dancers I have ever seen and she really knows how to captivate an audience.

Check out their Facebook page and make sure to stop by their future performances on campus!

Ashley Rossi is a sophomore at Boston University studying Magazine Journalism and Mass Communication. After living in a small town for most of her childhood she looked towards the city for an exciting adventure. At BU Ashley has volunteered with the Community Service Center and written for various publications, including The Buzz and College Fashionista. Her goal is to eventually run the creative department for any major fashion magazine or international design house. Ashley also blogs daily on her blog, Gossip, Chanel, and English Tea on Tumblr. In the meantime she enjoys relaxing on the beach, watching Gossip Girl and Weeds, and reading the next Lauren Weisberger novel.