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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

For most freshmen, the first people they will meet at their university are the people who live on the same floor of their dorm.  For BU, whether you look in West or Warren, each floor of a dormitory serves as its own mini community, a place where you can build a home away from home during the school year.  As the year goes on, residents fall into roles.  It is not unusual for there to be a designated floor clown, biddie, or bro.  For the girls of 18C in Warren Towers, Ann Masline (SMG/SHA) has been a warm and friendly presence since the beginning of the year.  Ann’s floor mates all agree that Ann has been consistently one of the nicest residents on this all girl floor, along with one of the most entertaining.  With her sloth impressions, animal noises, and quick wit, Ann Masline has won herself many admirers and many friends in her first year at BU.  Ann took time away from entertaining the residents of 18C to answer a few questions for us.
HC: Hi Ann, you have an internship at an event-planning company.  Tell me a little bit about that.
Ann: Well, we just plan events for non-profit companies.  SHA emailed us about the opportunity, and I thought I’d take advantage of it.

HC: What’s the name of the company?
Ann: It’s called Cool Cat Events.  It’s a weird name.  You don’t have to include the name.

HC: Why did you choose BU?
Ann: Because no one else would accept me.  Just kidding.  Because of all the cute boys.  Just kidding.  I chose BU because of the wide range of opportunities as well as their professionalism. From the moment I walked on campus I knew that I would be taking classes and meeting people that would be able to shape my future into the dream that I have had my whole life.  That doesn’t sound stupid, does it?

HC: Not at all.  Have you enjoyed your experiences here so far?
Ann:  I really have!  I love that BU has actually made me excited about going to school and excited about life after college.  The School of Management and School of Hospitality do a great job of teaching practical things and preparing you for real jobs. Also…I love the people I’ve met so far. They’re pretty cool.

HC: How do you like living on an all girl floor?
Ann: The great part about living on an all girls floor is that I’m super comfortable with everyone.  I do miss just hanging out with guys though.  I feel like all the floors have a strong bond between the guys and the girls, sometimes making it harder to be friends with them.  I love my floor mates, even though i don’t hang out with all of them, I feel we all have a mutual connection with each other that I love.

HC: If you had to give your pre-college self advice, what would it be?
Ann: Get involved and don’t be afraid to try new things and meet new people.  Most generic answer ever.

HC:  How do you think your floor mates would describe you?
Ann: Funny, loud, cheese-master, sleeps a lot, fearless, sloth.

Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.