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The Abroad Diaries: Madrid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

On a search for a cultural experience in Europe, Alana Yokoyama (CAS ’13) decided to study in Madrid, Spain the spring semester of her junior year. Alana had heard Madrid was the perfect culture for young students, and her 4 months spent there proved this fact to be true. Here are Alana’s recommendations as to how to best spend your time in Madrid:


Madrid’s nightlife proved to be a highlight to Alana’s abroad experience. For a night out on the town, her friends would often go to dinner at 11 PM and not head out to their destination until 1 AM. “I think that it is a very different lifestyle to what we are used to in the United States,” said Alana. If looking for a fun area with a lot of bars, Alana recommends heading to the area Barrio Chueca. When looking for a late a night out, the clubs in Madrid do not get packed until around 3:30 AM. Alana’s two favorite clubs were Joy Eslava and Pacha. In Madrid, a part of the energy of the going out scene was the Spanish people themselves. “The people are so lively and love to celebrate. Even the young children and older people stay out until late in the night, walking around, and talking and mostly enjoying each other’s company,” exclaimed Alana.


Tapas and sangria are definitely two staples of life in Madrid. For tapas, Alana’s favorites were Lateral and Bazaar. She said to definitely check out the dessert at Lateral as well. For good sangria, along with small sandwiches, Alana recommends Cien Montaditos. One of her favorite outdoor markets was Mercado San Miguel, where you can enjoy both tapas and sangria.



Similar to many other cities in Europe, Zara is a very popular store. The store is cheaper than it is back at home and the new styles come out in Europe first. It is also worth making a regular trip to because it is always getting in new merchandise.  Alana also recommends the store Lefties and explained it has a similar feel to Forever 21. Another great destination is Gran Vía, which is a street in central Madrid lined with many stores. Plaza Mayor is a good general area to head to as well for shopping and sightseeing.

Other activities:

Alana found there to be a lot to do around the city. To get a feeling for the city, she recommends taking Teleferico, a zip line car that takes you around the entire city. She said Reina Sofia and Prado are must see museums and the main Park, Parque Retire, is a good place to picnic. The royal palace, Palacio Real, is a sight to see as well.


Europeans in general are known to enjoy the small things in life and Alana felt the Spanish people lived up to this expectation. They drink wine during lunch and dinner, they have a siesta (nap) everyday, and love doing things like walking in the park and eating long meals.” She really admired the way they are able to enjoy life and truly enjoyed her time spent in Madrid.



Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."