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5 Movies that Need to Be Remade

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.



Recently I’ve been on an old movie kick (and when I say old I mean the 90’s, which FYI was 2 decades ago so I feel like it counts). While I love them – in all their bad hairstyles and neon clothing glory – I can’t help but think I’d love to see them undergo a little update. That’s not to say that the originals aren’t perfect the way they are; I just feel like the beauty of a great story is in it being retold over and over again, each time with a new take on it. I mean there have been about 255 different Superman and Batman movies, yet I’m still waiting on a remake of Notting Hill? Come on now. That being said, here is a list of a few movies I think are definitely overdue for a remake:

1. Clueless

First of all, let me just put it out there that the concept behind this movie is absolutely brilliant. Jane Austen can do no wrong; consequently, a movie based off of any of her novels is already off to a brilliant start. This movie based on the Austen classic Emma, goes down as one of my all-time favorites. While I am really hesitant about having someone mess with the perfection that is this movie, I really think that we need a remake. The movie is known for its proliferation of 90’s slang and style, and I think it would only be improved by a little 21st century influence. We wouldn’t even have to work hard to cast it because Stacey Dash looks so fab she could easily reprise her role as the sassy Dionne without anyone blinking an eyelid. No but seriously, I feel like a Cher-Dionne-Tai-Murray-Amber reunion is what the world needs right now.


2. Center Stage

Now I am aware that there has already been a sequel to this movie,  so I guess it has already been “remade” in a sense. However, I personally think that the sequel hardly did the original justice. I just have this unshakeable image in my head of Misty Copeland in the role of sweet ol’ Josie Sawyer, absolutely killing the final ballet sequence at the end. Maybe it’s watching way too many seasons of So You Think You Can Dance but I feel like there are so many fabulous dancers who could make a remake of a movie like this amazing. Plus, the issues in the movie are still so relevant today that they wouldn’t even have to stray far from the original script.


3. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

So I know this is a classic and that there are some things just better off left as they are (and that no one, not even Emma Watson – who I think would be the perfect 21st century Holly Golightly – could ever reprise the iconic role of Holly Golightly or compare to Queen Audrey Hepburn), but just hear me out for a second. I feel like as more and more generations go by, Breakfast at Tiffany’s becomes less and less relatable. Sure Audrey Hepburn in the first ever LBD, pearls and sunglasses is iconic, but the movie itself is kind of forgettable. I think a little revamping, reworking and revisiting of the original novel on which the movie is based would be magic.  Plus that 21st century angst that we do so well could make a re-vamp truly iconic. Alternately, the remake could be terrible, but in that case then you could spend the movie laughing and making “the original was so much better” comments. 

4. 10 Things I Hate About You

I think it really sucks that rom-coms have taken a backseat to action movies and blockbusters, because they supposedly don’t make any money (although I’m not sure how this is possible because they are amazing, but whatever). The point is, movies like 10 Things I Hate About You are perfect examples of the romantic comedy genre at its finest. The only thing better than basing your movie on a Jane Austen novel is basing it on a Shakespeare play; nobody understood the human psyche like this man, I swear. (Can you tell I’m an English major yet?) Even though Heath Ledger (may he rest in peace) will always be my Patrick Verona, I think someone like Austin Butler could definitely breathe new life into the role. Besides, I know I’m not the only one who is anxious to see a redo of that final “but most of all I hate how I don’t hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all” moment.


5. Pretty Woman

I am very much unsure how this movie hasn’t been remade yet, but the fact that it hasn’t is a big mistake: huge in fact (pun intended). A gorgeous hooker and a rich businessman set on a modern-day Hollywood Boulevard? I am getting excited just imagining the visuals of a remake. Imagine the shopping spree scene and the polo match scenes with the current glamour of 2014. Although I’m not sure how the whole prostitute thing might work out when placed in a modern setting. After all, we are a far more cynical generation who has seen way too many Law & Order: SVU episodes to find a remake of this movie a) romantic or b) realistic, but I would still love to see someone give it a shot!