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The 5 Boys You Should Date Before You Graduate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

College is as much about the experiences as it is about the academics.  Almost any collegiate will tell you that you can learn just as much outside of the classroom as you can inside the classroom.  That being said, dating is an important part of the out-of-classroom experience.  Who you date and how your relationships play out can determine your life outlook, it can determine what you learn about yourself, and it can be an overall enriching part of college life.  Of course everyone has his or her “type”, but it’s important to sometimes step out of that narrow box you’ve created for yourself and leave your comfort zone.  Here is a list of the 5 guys I think you should date before you graduate:

The bookworm. 
You should give the guy reading Kafka at the T stop a chance.  Maybe you wouldn’t ordinarily date him because he’s a literature snob and would scoff at the fact that you’ve read the whole Twilight series.  You should give him a chance, though.  He may be able to expand your literary horizons, and somewhere between the cups of coffee and intelligent conversations about The Bell Jar, you may actually find yourself having a good time.
The athlete. 
Perhaps you never thought you’d find yourself attracted to an athlete.  Maybe you’ve been staring down your nose at them, falling for the dumb jock stereotype.  Maybe you really don’t have any interest in sports because you just don’t understand them.  This shouldn’t stop you from dating an athlete before you graduate.  You may enjoy sporting events more than you thought you would.  Besides, college is all about new experiences.
The nerd. 

You probably wouldn’t typically be interested in someone who spends his free hours playing World of Warcraft.  I can’t say I blame you.  Guys who spend most of their time on the computer probably don’t have the best social skills.  But sometimes the nerds are the nice ones.  And every girl deserves to be with a guy who treats her right.
The international student. 
Ignore a cultural barrier and dating an international student is one of the best ways to step out of your comfort zone.  It’s amazing to see the differences from region to region in a country, so imagine everything you could learn from a boy from another country altogether.  The best way to learn about different cultures is by immersion.  What better way to immerse yourself than to date an international student?
The frat boy. 
Because everyone’s allowed to make mistakes.  Just kidding, kind of.  I’m sure there are plenty of perfectly respectable fraternity members out there.  But I’m talking about the frat boy, the party guy, the one with the backwards hat and the Sperry’s with no socks.  The booze-soaked, fun-loving, carefree guy.  This relationship will probably not last long, but even shallow relationships can make an impression.  If for nothing else to show what you don’t want in a relationship again.

Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.