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10 Things to Never Say to A Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


There have been quite a few times this year (ok let’s be honest, it’s all the time) that people will ask me questions or say something to me, that I really do not want to hear as a graduating senior. And you know that if you’re a senior too, you really don’t want to hear about the g-word and yeah, we like to be in denial about it. So here are the top ten things that you should never say to a senior.


1. So what are you doing after you graduate?

Why do people feel the need to say this? If we knew what we were doing, you’d know by now.

2. I feel sooo old.

No, you don’t. You’re a junior who is realizing your upperclassmen status. That does not qualify as old.

3. Do you know where you want to end up living?

Why do I need to plan out my whole life right now??!!

4. So you’re probably starting to think about jobs and entering the job market huh?

Duh. I’m a senior.

5. Is it a paid internship? Oh…so it’s not a real job…

This one really irks me. It’s not my fault communication jobs only come in internship status!

6. So how much are you giving to the class gift?

I haven’t even graduated yet, I’m already supposed to be giving more money to this school?!

7. Are you excited to graduate?!

No. The answer is always no.

8. So do you have a boyfriend?

This question is invariably asked by parents’ family friends. Again, if I did, you’d know by now.

9. Have you started looking for an apartment yet?

No and now I’m even more stressed out that you brought it up!

10. So you’re like 95% done with college.

This is the worst thing to ever say to a senior. I don’t even understand why a person would ever say this to someone about to graduate. Expect a serious death stare after uttering these words. 


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.