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Winter Expectations vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Ahhh, winter has finally arrived. Dreams of snowflakes and cocoa swirl around your head. Such a magical time of year… isn’t it? The most wonderful time of the year that fills our thoughts as Thanksgiving comes to an end is never as wonderful as we remember.

Waking up after the first snowfall. 

You’re so excited to wake up and see the snow-covered yard, untouched by footprints, sidewalks yet to be shoveled. It’s a true winter wonderland. Nope. Never mind. Just crawl back and bed and wait for the next snowfall.

Winter mornings. 

You are convinced that your drive to work has never been so charming. The trees are white, there’s no one around. You grab your coffee to head to the car… and you forgot about the hassle that is snow.

Sunny, snowy days. 

The sun glistening off of the snow is like a thousand beautiful diamonds, right? Wrong. The sun and snow are conspiring to blind millions of innocent people. Whatever you do, do not look at it. You might as well just stay inside today.

Cuddling up by the fire. 



It’s so nice to curl up by the fire with that special someone when the snow is falling and you’re stuck indoors. Except then you remember there is no special someone. So you’ll have to settle for watching your dogs cuddle instead.

Cute winter outfits. 

You’ve been dreaming of breaking out your winter wardrobe and showing off your amazing outfits. Guess you forgot how cold it actually is.

Building the perfect snowman. 

You bundle up and head outside to build the most beautiful snowman your mom has ever seen in the yard. Not as easy as you remember, huh? Guess mom will have to settle for what you’ve got.

A peaceful walk outside.

Why not go for a lovely walk in the falling snow? It could possibly be romantic. Oops, you fell on some ice. Now it’s just embarrassing.

Winter is rough, what can we say? To be honest though, it is definitely worth it. So, no matter what gets you down this winter, enjoy all of the charming ups. It still is a magical season.