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Why Best Friend Breakups are Worse than Boyfriend Breakups (As Told By Grey’s)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Breakups in general suck. There aren’t many things worse than the end of a relationship, no matter what kind, or how long it lasted. When we hear the term “breakup”, our minds usually go straight to the tragic end of a relationship with a boy; mascara running down our faces while eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. It is hard to imagine anything worse than a breakup with the boy you thought was the “love of your life”. Then we experience our first best friend breakup… 

At one point or another, most of us lose friends. We may outgrow them, or there may be a falling out. No matter the reason, it still stings.

You lose the best friends you thought would be your maid of honor at your wedding. You lose the ying to your yang (or in this case the Yang to your Grey). In the worst situations, you lose your person. If you are one of the lucky ones, you will never experience this. If not, then we’re sure you can relate to this post. 

So why is it so hard to say goodbye to your Christina Yang? Why is it sometimes harder to say goodbye to her than your “McDreamy”?

Here’s why:Without your bestie, the world can feel like a very very lonely place. There is no one to run to and tell that the doctor you’re in love with is married!

Without your bestie, there is no songs to dance to like Christina and Meredith.

Without your bestie, there is no you.  

Your Christina is there at all hours of the night for you. She would never cheat on you, or lie to you. McDreamy might.

Your Christina would never judge the way you look after you have been crying for six hours, or get turned off by the fact you have boogers running down your face. 

Your Christina will be your bodyguard. If anyone hurts you she will handle it, even if it is that hot guy on the football team. She will get him back. 

So yes, breakups with the boy you thought would be in your life forever s*%k. But losing the girl that was by your side through every heartbreak is even worse. Best friends make the world a better place, so treasure yours, and don’t EVER let anyone get in the way of that. Because what would the world be with no Christina to your Meredith?