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What You’re Actually Thinking During an Interview

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

1.      When waiting for the interviewer, you have no idea what to do with yourself.


2.      You walk into the interview and sit down, thinking “Hit me with your best question!”


3.      Of course the first question is always to tell them about yourself.


4.      And then the first behavioral question comes, and you have no idea how to answer it.


5.      They ask you what your strengths are and why you would be good at this job.


6.      The whole time you wish you could tell them this:


7.      And whenever the interviewer is talking, you just smile and nod.


8.      Then the last part of the interview, they ask if you have any questions.


9.      By the end of the interview, all you want is to disappear.


10.   But it’s finally over and you can’t get out of there fast enough!