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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Week six of The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College by Harlan Cohen, takes us into: Greek Life: Behind the Door, Windows, and Walls of Fraternity and Sorority life. Greek life is different for every campus in the way they rush and run their chapters. Here are the top two tips to help you when rushing/thinking about Greek life:

Greek life: Getting In: If you decide to rush, do not take the process too personally. These people don’t know you and have no way of knowing you so quickly. Look at it like this- they should be more concerned about impressing you. They need new members. Don’t be someone you’re not because they are trying to choose the girls that fit in best with them. After all, who is better than you! However if you don’t get in, it’s fine- you can always try again. There was a reason they didn’t pick you and that’s okay- keep your head up and smile!

Greek life: The Ugly:  If pledges stopped putting up with hazing, the hazing would stop. One way to stop it is to report hazing. The author of Naked Roommate wrote “You can even email me anonymously and I’ll do my best to pass along the word to the right people on campus and in the national organization. Send your note to: Harlan@helpme.harlen.co, subject hazing” (Cohen 165). Bryant is very good about not having hazing on campus and will put a stop to it immediately. So if this is happening you can always tell someone!

Joining Greek life can help you make friendships that can last a life time! If interested, get involved with some of the events they throw that are for the public. Get to know the girls and let them get to know you. It’s a two way street, you have to want to join them and they have to want you to be a part of them! Good luck if you want to join, we believe in you.