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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and some couples are still not sure what to get their significant other! With only days left, you could find something either cheap or expensive, depending on certain situations. Well, have no fear because here is a list for both sexes of what to get for Valentine’s Day!


For Her:

1.      Pandora Bracelet 

Expensive but you don’t have to fill the whole bracelet up! Buy the bracelet and purchase a charm to go along with it!

2.      Cute Scarf

Keep it cheap and buy a scarf to help her from being cold and sick during the winter months. 

3. Favorite Movie

Get her favorite movie and grab take out! She’ll love that you remembered and got food to watch it with her. 

4.      Coupon Book

It may sound corny or stupid but girls actually like it because they can use it when they want. Include silly things like beach day, movie night, cuddle night, etc. 

For Him:

1.      Socks

Yes, socks! Many guys admit they would love to get funny, silly patterns from their significant other.

2.     Game Tickets 

Coming up games of their favorite team is always a great way to show that you want to do things together that he also enjoys. 

3. Men’s Products

Another odd one, but your man will be appreciative of you knowing what he uses!

4. Homemade Food

 Chances are you know what he likes to eat so make a bunch of treats for him, or cook an entire meal as his gift rather than going out. 


I am a fun, outgoing person and spend my time shopping, reading, and writing for HC. I enjoy tanning and hanging with my friends or watching Netflix when I have time. Please feel free to follow me on insta at @alexandranpappas I will follow you back!