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Transformation Tuesday vs Throwback Thursday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Hi Her Campus Ladies! Have you ever thought “What is Transformation Tuesday?” “What is Throwback Thursday?” “What counts as a throwback?” “How do I show the transformation?” Well Her Campus is here to answer those questions for you! These occur every Tuesday and Thursday on Instagram, and anyone can feel free to take part; however, YOU MUST KNOW THE RULES!

Transformation Tuesday: This is as self explanatory as it sounds, so let’s not fret. Transformation Tuesday is to show your TRANSFORMATION. So firstly, let’s upload pictures that are major throwbacks. We’re talking pictures from at least five years ago, preferably even more, ones that have shown you have transformed. We can’t state enough how many times we’ve scroll through Instagram (@Jeanyne_wink , if any of you would like to follow) and seen “transformation” pictures that look like they could’ve been taken yesterday. People love to put up pictures that aren’t old, and are probably just in a different outfit and saying “Transformation Tuesday!” What changed? Your makeup? Your clothes? Let’s look for obvious changes. So if you’re wondering, this is a bad example:



BAD EXAMPLE. This was actually taken a year ago, and it looks like just the outfit changed.

Second rule of Transformation Tuesday: If you are going to show the transformation, we need something to compare it to, so download a collage maker on your phone, like PhotoGrid, and put the two pictures together.

Third Rule of Transformation Tuesday: HASHTAG HASHTAG HASHTAG! This is a very important rule! You want everyone to know why you shared the picture, and you want everyone to see your progress don’t you? #TransformationTuesday

Now Her Campus Ladies, here is a good example of #TransformationTuesday

Now it’s time for Throwback Thursday! Okay Her Campus Ladies, there are only a few rules for TBT, so let’s jump in!

THROWBACKS: Okay girls, let’s make sure that it could look like a “throwback.” When you upload this picture keep in mind that if it doesn’t look extremely different from you now, you have to specify how it’s different. Throwbacks, in our opinion, are generally at least a year old, so we would upload a picture saying when it was taken. For example, here’s a picture from senior year in high school on a trip to China wearing their traditional dresses, “Qipao.”  

Lastly, make sure that you #HASHTAG or everyone might think it’s just a picture of you today or yesterday- let people know why you posted it! Everyone loves Hashtags, and why not get more likes?  #TBT #China #Qipao #Beijing #Blue #CurlyHair #Smile  #SeniorYear #in #HighSchool

If you get anything from this article, remember there is a difference between Transformations and Throwbacks. Use your awesome collage skills, and your awesome hashtags! 

Jeanyne is a Literary and Cultural Studies major at Bryant University with a double-minor in Chinese and Business Administration. She grew up in Hyde Park, MA which is a neighborhood in Boston, and she takes a lotttt of pride in it. She is a Cheerleader for the Bryant University Bulldogs. She loves to read and write. She's also a Starbucks Barista and speaks fluent Mandarin :)