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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

You don’t have to be a coffee fan to love and enjoy drinks made by Starbucks. Starbucks’ new line of refreshers are already a huge hit. Sold in sparkling, handmade, and instant beverages, these flavors are sure to quench your thirst. These refreshers give off natural energy from green coffee extract. We are the biggest fans of Starbucks’ Iced Passion Tea, as well as Green Tea. Check out these new flavors and determine your own new favorite! 

For a perfect to-go drink in the afternoon on a hot, sunny day, these instant add in’s and cans of deliciousness are great to keep around the house.

My name is Jaci Kline. I am a freshman at Bryant University. My sister is my best friend. Photography is my hobby. Running is a my favorite activity to do.