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The Stages of Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

All college students understand the struggle that comes along with the dreaded finals week. With final exams just a week away, Her Campus has compiled the stages we all go through while preparing for finals.

1.       You look at the calendar and realize that, somehow, you only have one week left to prepare.

2.       So you start planning out all of the things you need to do before the semester ends.

3.       And realize you’re in way over your head.

4.       You probably should’ve started studying two weeks ago. Oops.

5.       But, no point in regretting the past. You’ve gotta work with what you’ve got!

6.       You start looking over your notes, and realize you don’t remember any of this stuff.

7.       So, naturally, you start to panic.

8.       You’ll probably end up procrastinating instead of actually studying.

9.       Or maybe you’ll turn to drinking.

10.   All you know is that you aren’t actually getting anything done.

11.   So you decide to cut the crap and get your act together.

12.   Really you just end up getting tears all over the place.

13.   And stress eating while you make your study guides.

14.   You end up in the library, looking just like this.

15.   People in your class ask you if you know what’s going on, and you’re just like.

16.   You’ve realized it’s time for the all-nighters.

17.   Before you know it, it’s the Sunday night before exams start.

18.   You should be reviewing your notes, but you’re watching the new episode of Game of Thrones instead.

19.   Morning comes, and you walk into your first exam trying to feel confident.

20.   But by the time your professor passes the test out, you’re feeling more like this.

21.   And none of the questions will make any sense.

22.   Because of course the stuff you studies isn’t actually on the exam.

23.   But nothing compares to the feeling of finishing your exams.

24.   You’ll probably go out for victory shots when all is said and done.

25.   After all, procrastinating and freaking out is hard work!

26.   When grades come in, you realize you didn’t actually do that bad!

27.   Let the summer begin!