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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Grade: Junior

Hometown: Glastonbury CT

Major/Minor: Business Management/Booty

Describe yourself in 3 words: Dreamer, Crazy, Lover

On Campus Involvement: Very active at Ronzios, #29 on the lacrosse field

Dream Job: Million Dollar Matchmaker

Pet Peeve: When people don’t say “thank you” when I hold the door open for them

One thing on your Bucket List: Riding in a hot air balloon

Favorite thing about Bryant: Free mints in the admissions office

Favorite Place: Hall 5 320 (dorm sophomore year of college)

Most Played Song on your IPod: Felly – Horchata or anything by Action Bronson or Kevin Gates

Celebrity Crush: Marisa Miller

If you were a food what would you be and why?: Phish Food ice cream from Ben and Jerrys, so I could supply happiness to many mouths around the world

If you could bring 3 things on a desert island what would they be: french bulldog, ice cream, brita filter

Dream date described in 7 words: Eat the booty like groceries and repeat

Favorite TV show: The League

Favorite Movies: Shutter Island, Mr. Deeds, Austin Powers Trilogy

Guilty Pleasure: “I open mouth kissed a horse once”

Secret talents: Can eat 4 bagels in one sitting. Great at ocular pat downs.

Name of your autobiography: Get Your Own Personality, Mines Already Taken

Pickup line: “If I was a kitchen appliance I would be a little spoon”

Favorite Salmo Food: Coco Krispies with 2% milk.

If Rentes named a drink after you what would it be called: The Panty Dropper

Fun Fact: I’m a triplet & I’ve had 6 ear surgeries.