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My Freshmen Story: Most Embarrassing Freshmen Moments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Here at Her Campus we understand that freshman year can sometimes seem like a Series of Unfortunate Events.  So, we compiled a list of some of the worst moments of our college careers to make you feel a little better about anything still haunting you!

– “Snapped a photo of my crush in the Fisher Center, and the flash went off!  He saw!”

– “I was texting and walking back to my dorm and not realizing that the handicap door closed, I walked right into the door in from of some really hot guys”

– “I fell off the bed while hooking up with a guy”

– “Second day of classes I showed up 30 minutes late thinking I was on time and everyone stared at me”

– “I was at a townhouse party and broke my shoe, I threw them and it hit someone in the head, I then walked around the townhouses barefoot all night”

– “I had a walk of shame during fall open house and had to pass through a tour to get to my room…”

– “Hooking up with a guy and having a picture of it on Instagram a month later…”

– “I was smack talking my professor about how much of a joke he was and turned around to see him walking behind me”

– “I fell into a thorn bush and had to spend an hour in Health Services getting them plucked out”

– “I picked up a poop dollar that the baseball players put on the ground as a prank…they were all watching”

– “I got my breakfast in the dining hall and then my silverware and I ended up spilling my waffle with syrup and my bowl of cereal over all of the silverware.  They had to roll the entire silverware station away!”

– “I hooked up with a guy on Saturday and realized Monday morning that I sat next to him in class”

– “I was hooking up with a guy and realized he was uncircumcised, I screamed and ran out of the room”

– “Second day of psychology I went to the wrong class time and walked out half way through the class when I finally realized”

– “After getting very drunk at the townhouses and brought back to my room by friends, the fire alarm in the freshman hall went off. I didn’t want to leave my bed so DPS came in, asked if I was okay, and told me to leave my room. So I managed to get in the stairwell and sit down, but I still was told by DPS to leave the building. Outside with the rest of the freshman I continued making a scene and embarrassing myself. On top of it, I was wearing a pajama shirt as pants…”

– “One time Salmo was so incredibly busy for dinner and there were no seats available, so me and my friends stood and ate. I never will go to salmo at 6 ever again.”