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Liam Rice: Bryant Players President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Name: Liam Rice

Year: 2017

Major: Applied Economics/LCS

Fun Fact: I can touch my nose with my tongue.

HC: What is your position with the Bryant Players?

LR: I am the President.

HC: How did you get involved in theatre?

LR: My mom made me join theatre in high school and I’ve just stuck with it since!

HC: Tell us about the play you directed during Family & Friends Weekend.

Liam with the cast of How I Learned to Drive

LR: The play is called How I Learned to Drive and it revolves around the story of the lead girl and her relationship with her family and uncle, following her growing up in a pedophilic relationship.

HC: How did you choose this play?  Did it mean something to you?


How I Learned to Drive

LR: I nominated the show last spring and the club discussed it and the other options and voted on it! It was one of my favorite shows and I felt like we needed to bring more arts to Bryant.

HC: What does your job as the director entail?

LR: As director, I cast the show, plan rehearsals, block the scenes, create the set and sounds, and orchestrate everything around the show.

HC: What else do the Bryant Players have in store for us?

LR: We have a winter production in December, as well as auditions for GREASE in the beginning of spring semester!!!!