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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Name:  Krystal Ristaino

Hometown:  Franklin, MA

Interests: spending time with family and friends, cooking, watching Sunday football (go Pats!), traveling to new places, reading murder mystery stories, running, and wearing sweatpants.

Job on Campus: I work in the Academic Advising office and I also am the advisor for Velocity Dance Team!

The Details

Describe Yourself in 3 Words:  out-going, passionate, and genuine

Any Secret Talents? unfortunately not

Pet Peeves: people who chew their gum or food too loud. It gets me every time.

Bucket List: to visit and explore at least one new city or location every year. I began this tradition a few years back as a New Year’s Resolution and since then have traveled to several cities within the US and countries in Europe. My next stop will be to Australia and New Zealand!


Favorite Thing About Bryant: Having the opportunity to work with such amazing people. I really enjoy coming to work each day where I have the ability to interact with students, staff, and faculty in various settings. I have learned so much about myself personally and professionally through these relationships.

Favorite Place in the World: the beach. Blue water and soft sand make everything better!

Favorite Food: I am Italian so any and all pasta

#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod: Bruce Springsteen’s Waiting on a Sunny Day



Celeb Crush: Hugh Jackman- I hope I am not showing my age here.

Describe The Perfect Date in Seven Words: One where I can be completely myself.

Marissa is a sophomore at Bryant University majoring in management and minoring in psychology. She is the Social Media chair at HC, which she absolutely loves! Her favorite past times are baking (esp. chocolate covered pretzels) and exercising. Marissa hopes to work for a large corporation when she graduates in May 2016.
Hillary Coombs is a junior at Bryant University studying International Business and Marketing minoring in Chinese and Spanish. She works during the summers at Westminster Tool blogging and updating all social media accounts as well as interning in the International Affairs office. During the fall of 2012, Hillary studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain where she held a marketing internship and perfected her Spanish language. At Bryant, she works in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research gathering crucial university data and presenting it through documents to the President, Deans, and other faculty members of Bryant University. Aside from working and studying Hillary is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and Omicorn Delta Kappa. Hillary finds peace of mind staying active and running in local 5K races.