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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Name: Kayla McMahon

Hometown: Hillsboro, New Hampshire

Interests: Travel, spend time with family and friends, volunteering, snowboard, photography, browse Pinterest, and meet new people


The Details

Describe Yourself in 3 Words:  Outgoing, compassionate and open-minded

Pet Peeves: People who chew with their mouths open or rude people

Bucket List: Sky Dive  


Favorite Thing About Bryant: The people and the festivities

Favorite Place in the World: Being home or at the beach

Favorite Food: Alfredo and Ice Cream

#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod: Summertime Sadness



Celeb Crush:  Ryan Gosling of course, Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio .. like them all 

Describe The Perfect Date in Seven Words: Exciting night out with dinner and laughter 

Marissa is a sophomore at Bryant University majoring in management and minoring in psychology. She is the Social Media chair at HC, which she absolutely loves! Her favorite past times are baking (esp. chocolate covered pretzels) and exercising. Marissa hopes to work for a large corporation when she graduates in May 2016.