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How Would You React to a Girl Fight?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Girl fights, even if you never expect them to happen to you, are inevitable.  Some girls are beotches and like starting drama. Every girl displays a certain persona during a fight, which one do you think you’d be?

The All or Nothing

This is someone who goes all out, and will just go to town on beating you to a pulp.

The Cry Baby

Not very good at reacting to things, this girl will just cry after the first punch is thrown and hope the fight ends soon.

The Body Guard

This girl isn’t even involved in the fight in the first place, but when she sees her friend about to get knocked, she will step right in and makes it her business too.

The Slapper

Not into full fisted punches, this girl will give you an open handed slap right across the face.

The Hair Puller

This is probably the most common girl fight tactic; it might be over used but it definitely does its job.

The Smack Talker

Instead of taking things to physical level this girl will say anything under the sun to get a rise out of you.

And the Instigator

This girl is someone who looks for reasons to start a fight, and will push every one of your buttons until you react.