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How To Springify Your Closet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Spring is finally here and we all know what that means..time for spring cleaning! When transitioning your closet from winter to spring/summer, the first step is to make sure you are properly storing your winter sweaters, boots, and accessories. For sweaters, the ideal way to package them for the off season is to fold them with a piece or two of white tissue paper in between. The tissue paper not only holds the shape of the sweater, but it keeps it from creasing over time. Winter scarves can be stored this way as well. (Side note: make sure to use white tissue paper because the dye of other colored tissue could run). For boots, UGGs and boots like UGGs are recommended to be stored in the boxes they came in. This will allow them to hold their shape and stay dust free! Other suede and leather boots are fine left out but in order to hold their shape, you have two options: you can go out to a place like Bed, Bath, and Beyond and purchase boot inserts or if you want to save a few dollars you can use empty liter bottles (they’ll do the trick to!)

Now to the spring stuff! I always found the best way to organize spring/summer apparel is to coordinate by color and by the item it is (tops, blazers, sweaters, tanks, etc.) Spring and summer are the seasons when everyone’s colorful side comes out, so color coordinating makes it easier for you to spot exactly what you want for that days outfit! The same concept goes for all your heels, flats, and sandals. Some color ‘must haves’ for the upcoming season suggested by InStyle magazine include candy red, yellow, orange, cerulean, and of course April’s color of the month, emerald!

Did you know: Ever pick up a shirt you haven’t worn in a while and it has a hole? Those random holes found in garments that haven’t been worn in a while are caused by moths. You never see them, but they hide within the clothes and feed on the fabric. Instead of using moth balls that leave an awful scent in your closet and in all your clothes, use lavender! Lavender packs can be bought for a few dollars and they do the same trick to keep moths away (they also smell great)!

PaviElle is a Senior Marketing major at Bryant University. Before attending Bryant in fall of 2011, she received her Associates Degree in Fashion Merchandising from Lincoln College of New England (formerly Briarwood College). She is currently the Fashion Editor for Her Campus chapter at Bryant. She has a strong love for fashion, especially in the styling, visual merchandising and trend forecasting aspects where she has experience.