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Halloween Costumes You Didn’t Know You Owned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Halloween is upon us! With only three days left to prepare, it’s safe to say that it’s crunch time. Before you rush to your nearest iParty, check out your own wardrobe. You never know what you could find!

  • Everyone remembers the Spice Girls, right? If you own a sports bra, a pair of sneakers, and some running pants, you have everything you’ll need to rock your own version of Sporty Spice! For those of you who may not remember the spice girls, this outfit is versatile. Just trade in the running pants for a pair of sweatpants, add some red lipstick, and you’ve got yourself a Gwen Stefani costume!
  • For all of the blondes out there, we recommend trying out a Marilyn Monroe look! Marilyn was a fashion icon that sported anything and everything, allowing for any dress to be a perfect choice! Curled hair and costume jewelry will give your costume a nice touch! Don’t forget to sport some red lipstick!
  • Her Campus loves the DIY “Where’s Waldo?” costume! All a girl needs to imitate this fan favorite is a red and white striped shirt, a beanie, and some black rimmed glasses. These items are kind of specific; if you don’t own some already and need to make a trip to the mall, the striped shirt and beanie can be worn throughout the year. Also, check out your local movie theater for some 3D glasses to do the trick!

Halloween should be fun, not costly! These are only a few of the possibilities! Also, don’t forget to check in with your friends; they may be able to lend a helping hand! 

Hillary Coombs is a junior at Bryant University studying International Business and Marketing minoring in Chinese and Spanish. She works during the summers at Westminster Tool blogging and updating all social media accounts as well as interning in the International Affairs office. During the fall of 2012, Hillary studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain where she held a marketing internship and perfected her Spanish language. At Bryant, she works in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research gathering crucial university data and presenting it through documents to the President, Deans, and other faculty members of Bryant University. Aside from working and studying Hillary is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and Omicorn Delta Kappa. Hillary finds peace of mind staying active and running in local 5K races.