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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


You’re complete guide to what to keep and what to leave at school:

It’s mid September: freezing when we wake up, boiling hot by mid-day, and freezing again when the sun goes down.  The last of the summer days are slowly fading away, and it’s almost that perfect time of the year…. FALL!!!!! Along with fall comes Columbus Day weekend: A time when most college kids go home for the first time since mid-August, say hello to their families, and exchange their summer closet for their favorite fall apparel. To some, the thought of packing/ unpacking AGAIN sounds like a complete disaster. But it doesn’t have to be! We at Her Campus Bryant are going to make your lives much easier, and give you a list of what to keep and what to send back home!

What to take home:

1. Sun Dresses: Sadly, our Lilly dresses have to go back into hiding until Spring.  Come October, it’s too cold to not have our legs/arms covered, and the thin fabric of our favorite dresses will do us no good this fall. Back to the homeland they go.


2. Shorts: Ahhhh how we look forward to wearing them for those four short months before they go back into hiding. Shorts will do us no good unless we wear ADDITIONAL pants under them.

3. Sandals: Jac Rogers and our favorite Old Navy flip flops were fun while they lasted, but wearing them in the fall is fun for about five minutes until our feet freeze…….. Until next time, babies.

What to take back:

1. Jackets/Sweaters: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS no more trying to look good with slim fitting tops, FINALLY we can hide ourselves in those over-sized sweaters and jackets we all adore. Eat all that you want, no one will know because it’s hiding under the massive knit tops!!!!!!!!!!

2. Scarves: To wear them in the summer is miserable; your neck sweats, your whole body just sweats. But now we can finally jazz up our plain white t’s with our favorite extra-long scarves!

3. Boots: No more pedicures or making sure our toe nails are painted, because goodbye flipflops and hello tall brown beauty boots! 

Boston Ma. Undergraduate at Bryant University.