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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Name: Gina Saxena

Graduation Year: 2015

Major/Minor: Applied Psychology and minoring in Business Administration and Communications

Hometown: Westborough, MA

On-Campus Activities: Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority


The Details

Describe Yourself in 3 Words:  outgoing, unique, and compassionate

Any Secret Talents: I can sing and I can make anybody smile on their worst days =]

Dream Job: working at Boston Children’s Hospital as an occupational therapist working with children, specifically.

Pet Peeves:  people who are rude, just be happy and smile!!

Bryant Bucket List: take a picture with the globe… and it will be done this week!!! 



Favorite Thing about Bryant: How this school is the perfect size and the closeness between everyone and not to be too nerdy, but how well we integrate the liberal arts and business colleges. I love having such a wide span of knowledge between the two and synthesizing them in different aspects of my life.

Favorite Place in the World: In theory… San Francisco but I’ve never gone so Boston :)

Favorite Food: California rolls! Yum!

Favorite Place to Shop:  Express

#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod: Mat Zo feat. The Knocks – Get Down 2 Get Up



Celebrity Crush: James Franco <3

I love when a guy: makes me laugh and takes me on sushi dates 

My perfect date would be: spending a day in Boston like going to The New England Aquarium or the Museum of Science and then going to North End for Italian food. I love Boston