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Elizabeth Oluokun: The Olivia Pope of Bryant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Name: Elizabeth (Liz) Oluokun   

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Double Major in Management and Communication

Hometown: Worcester, MA

Bryant Involvement:

·        Resident Assistant Hall 14

·        2015 Orientation Leader

·        ISO Vice President of Internal Relations (In charge of Annual Cultural Dance Show – i2i)

·        NABA Secretary

·        Honors Program – Peer Mentor to 4 Bryant University, Honors Students

·        Advanced Dance Evolution: Social Media Chair

·        Multi-Cultural Student Union: General Member

Favorite thing about Bryant: It is truly home away from home. My friends, faculty, and teachers make me feel welcome and they are always there to help me no matter what. I have never had an experience where-in I did not have an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. My friends are what keep me smiling every day, the OCE, Resilfe, and other Bryant Staff encourage me and help me in my professional development, and my teachers support me to be the best I can be, academically. I used to think when I walked around campus my freshman year, that everyone was just being friendly because I was new to the campus, but the welcoming mood I felt the first day, is still very much present today. I couldn’t imagine myself on any other campus.

HC: What is your life mantra?

EO: “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.”

HC: How do you incorporate this into everything you do?

EO: My mother first showed me this quote and told me she wanted me to shape my goals and aspirations under something that fit who I see myself as and who I wanted others to see me as. Ever since, this quote has kept me going and whenever I feel down, I repeat it to myself as a reminder that my future is bright and with dignity and courage, I can overcome anything.

HC: What are you most passionate about?

EO: Helping others. I am the second born of six and ever since I can remember, I have always been placed a position whereby I had to help. Now that I am older, I have taken this task and turned into something I do unconsciously, consciously, and wholeheartedly, 24/7. It brings me true joy to be the one to bring joy to someone else.

HC: What is your dream job?

EO: I want to be a CEO if a Financial Literacy Company for Immigrants. When my family and I first moved to America, we struggled a lot while trying to learn how things were done financially here. I see other families go through the same burden we went through and I hope to one day be able to aid other immigrants so that they have a smooth financial transition to America.

HC: What leadership position has been your favorite so far?

EO: ORIENTATION! You may hear past OLs say being an orientation leader is the best experience they’ve ever had, but we TRULLY mean it. As an orientation leader for the class of 2019, I learned more about myself and grew so much as an individual in a span of 1 month, than I have in all my 19 years of living. I have developed as a stronger leader through this experience and have made friendships and memories that I know will last a lifetime.

HC: Tell us about I2I and your involvement

EO: i2i is an exciting, annual cultural Dance show at Bryant University hosted by the International Student Organization. Each year the show brings the Bryant community together and the student body gets a chance to display their creativity and talent. 2015 brings an innovative theme for the show, celebrating the freedom many countries like the United States share. The theme for this year will be “Freedom at Its Finest” and the Show will take place Friday, November 13th 2015 at 7pm in the MAC. As Vice President of ISO, I am in charge of the show this year and hope that you all will buy a ticket (tickets start selling November 2nd – 13th for $5) and attend this amazing event!

HC: How does your cultural and academic background help you?

EO: I was born in Nigeria and moved to the United States at the age of 6. I then Lived in Tennessee prior to my High school years in Mass so in a sense, I was never really able to connect with my culture as much as I wanted to. Coming to Bryant and being so involved in clubs like ISO has helped me learn not only about my own country, but other countries all over the world! People don’t realize it but the more culturally aware you are, the more open-minded you are about issues and lessons discussed in the class room.