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Dear Boys, Don’t Do These Things on Tinder/Bumble

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

We all know Tinder has been around for quite some time and if you’ve been single in the past few years we’re sure you’ve downloaded it at some point. Bumble is more recent but is basically the same concept except that girls have to message first. Girls, whether you downloaded it for fun and to make fun of all the guys with your friends or to actually find a guy, we’ve all be exposed to Tinder and Bumble. It can be funny and entertaining, can lead to hookups or even boyfriends but the guys on it can also just be really weird. Whether you use it seriously or just for fun, we all know the things guys do that we just really wish they wouldn’t. We asked a bunch of girls what are the things they wish guys wouldn’t do on Tinder/Bumble and gathered some real examples of these things.

So boys, here’s the things we wish you wouldn’t do:

1. Don’t use a try-hard pickup line.”

This one speaks for itself and is definitely one of the most important. If you think you’re being suave and original, chances are you probably aren’t and that we’ve heard it all before. Honestly, starting off with a simple “hey” works just fine.


2. “Don’t do sexual pickup lines.”

Going off of the first one, this is another huge one that girls see all the time. Telling us what sexual things you want to do when we’ve never even spoken is not going to get you anywhere.

 3. “Don’t start off the conversation by asking for nudes.”

It’s almost never going to be that easy. Once again, we don’t know you so telling us that we should send nudes right away is just weird.

4. “Don’t use only group pictures.”

When we are swiping through your photos and every single one is of you and a bunch of other dudes that look just like you, how are we supposed to know who you are? If you only have group pictures and we can’t tell who you are then chances are we’re going to swipe left. Sorry.

5. “Don’t message us multiple times if we’ve been ignoring you already.”

If you don’t get a response after the first time, wait it out. If you never get that response you were hoping for don’t bombard us with messages in the hope we will one day respond. Chances are we aren’t interested so for the sake of your time, don’t keep trying.

6. “Don’t send a message with water droplet emoji meaning anything besides drops of water.

Just don’t. It’s not cute.

7. “Don’t be creepy, buy me dinner first at least.”

Leading with a bizarre and creepy question, such as where we live, is never going to get you anywhere.

8. “Holding up fish in their pictures because that’s the only thing they can catch.”

We all have seen this one and we’re actually pretty sure that every other profile we see features a smiling boy holding a fish that he is just so proud of. Not only do we not get the obsession with showing off what fish they’ve caught, but we hate to break it to you, boys, we really don’t care that you caught a fish once.

9.“Don’t invite us over and expect it to actually happen when we haven’t even had a full conversation yet.”

This one should be pretty obvious. What makes you think we would come over to your dorm/apartment/house when we have not said more than 5 words to each other and have no idea who you are. Hello… stranger danger? As appealing as it is to go to a total stranger’s home, I think we might want to get to know each other first.

10. “Don’t ask for our Snapchat as your opening line or before we’ve even had a conversation.”

We all know why you want our Snapchat. We know this is just going to lead to you asking for nudes. As we already covered, that is not the way to a girl’s heart.

11. “Don’t automatically think sex is happening.”

It’s best to come in with low expectations about sex because you never know who you’re talking to. There are girls out there that actually use dating apps for dating, not just sex. Take it easy, take it slow, and don’t rush into asking a girl to hook up with you.

12.“Definitely don’t say I love you. Ever.”

We know you’re kidding, we get it you’re trying to be funny, but please, do less.

Well, there ya have it, boys! These are the things that us girls really wish you wouldn’t do on Tinder/Bumble. One thing you should definitely keep doing though: including pictures with cute puppies. One of the girls we talked to even said “they should always make their first pic with a dog.” Even if you aren’t that cute, at least we got to see a cute puppy and that always makes our day so chances are that’s going to lead to us swiping right. Just make sure it’s your puppy because as one of the girls we talked to said, “if it’s theirs, fine, otherwise that is false advertising.”