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Crunch Time Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

It’s that time of the year again; entering into the end of the semester, or what I like to call-crunch time. Here are some tips on how to get you through this bittersweet time:


  • Get plenty of sleep. Your brain can’t function on zero sleep, and you won’t be able to concentrate in class without it. In order to actually learn the material that is being taught in class, you’ll have to be feeling energized and alert.


  • Write everything down. There’s nothing worse than showing up to class not realizing that you had a five page paper due that day. So utilize your planner and write your homework down! Make little side notes so that you know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.


  • Go to the library. Classes don’t take up your entire day, so do something productive with your free time! If you want time later in the evening to hang out with your friends then get your work done earlier in the day such as in between classes or right after class. This way you can free up your evenings and be motivated as soon as you get the library since you just came from class.


  • Plan ahead. Your professors won’t be worrying about the fact that you may have three exams in one day…that’s your job! Once you get your syllabus plan everything out on a calendar so you know exactly when all of your exams are. This will help your studying methods so you won’t have to cram for three exams in one night.


  • Don’t give in to temptation. Just because all of your suitemates are going out doesn’t mean you have to join them; especially if you have an exam or presentation the next day. Going out the night before is never a good idea, so don’t think that this one night can be the exception. If you want to do well, stay in for the night.


Now that you have these tips to help you out this semester there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make the Dean’s List! Study hard, stay motivated, and have a great rest of the semester.