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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Name: Joe Paparelli

Major: Actuarial Mathematics

Class: 2017

HC: What are your plans after graduation?

JP: I have accepted a full time position at The Hartford as a Sr. Actuarial Analyst beginning next summer.

HC: What activities are you involved in on campus?

JP: Baseball.

HC: What is the greatest challenge you face being a student athlete?

JP: Balancing practice/lift, travel, schoolwork, and a social life. Also making contact with a pitcher who is a “Dude.”

HC: When did you start playing baseball?

JP: Probably around age 4 or 5 I started playing organized baseball.

HC: How did you know you wanted to play in college?

JP: I love competing, working hard, and I believed I had a lot of potential to be developed in baseball.  Coming to Bryant for two sports (Baseball and Football) was the perfect fit, but following my freshman year, I decided to focus solely on baseball despite being more physically talented at football.

HC: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

JP: A beach house in Fiji or a log cabin in the Rocky Mountains.

HC: Who would be your roommate?

JP: Zac Efron, Justin Timberlake, and Jake Marotta.

HC: Who is your ideal date?

JP: Mila Kunis in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

HC: Three favorite words?

JP: Quality not quantity.

HC: Drink of choice on the weekend?

JP: Michelob Ultra, need to preserve the temple.

HC: What is your dream job?

JP: Traveling the Southern California Coast on a Harley with a surfboard, skimboard, and a Golden Retriever puppy.

HC: What’s your guilty pleasure?

JP: Binge watching TV Shows and watching Romantic Dramas (Nicholas Sparks).

HC: Do you have any pets?

JP: A Pug named Molson (yes, like the Canadian Beer).  He’s a stud.

HC: Anything else you’d like to add?

JP: I’m single ;)