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#Bryant2017: Q&A

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Are we allowed to hang things on the walls of our dorm rooms? What are we allowed to hang them with?

Decorating your dorm room is always exciting! Anything is allowed to be hung up on your walls—as long as it is not hanging/covering the sprinkler in your room. In most dorms, students hang up frames, collages, flags, posters, lights, and/or whiteboards. We love using heavy duty tape or for heavier items command hooks and strips to stick it to the wall.  Tacks and push pins most likely will not work out because most dorm walls are cinder blocks!

Should I bring my car?

It is completely up to you. Some people feel the need for a car, so they have the freedom to go wherever, whenever. We suggest leaving your car at home first semester-just so you can get adjusted!  Second semester, bring it onto campus! Though, Bryant provides plenty of transportation opportunities like the RIPTA (Rhode Island Public Transit Authority). With your student ID, you can get anywhere in Rhode Island free of charge. Check out the RIPTA’s schedule here-we are Route 52! Aside from the RIPTA, Bryant offers rides from the BTA, which is a low-cost van service that runs daily routes starting from Bryant to the Lincoln Mall and/or Providence.  If you do decide to bring your car onto campus, make sure you register it!  It’s free!

When is it a good time to do laundry?

Ahhhh laundry….everyone’s favorite.  The best time to do laundry is definitely on the weekends early in the morning-everyone is still sleeping!  It’s the perfect time to sneak your laundry in without having to wait.  Otherwise, it’s really a hit or miss experience. The washers and dryers could be all taken, so before you haul all your laundry down a few flights, use this handy website! This site allows you to check which machines are available, and it also displays how much time is left on each washer and dryer.  

How do I know if I have a package?

Everyone is assigned a mailbox their first year, which you keep for your entire stay at Bryant! If you receive a package, the Bryant Post Office will send you an email notifying you—these are our favorite emails because it is usually a care package…thanks mom!

What are the library, dining hall, and gym hours?

All hours may vary for each place depending on the time of the year (holidays, finals, etc…), but for the most part, they stay fairly consistent:


Monday – Thursday: 7:30am-1:30am

Friday: 7:30am-9pm

Saturday: 10am-6pm

Sunday: 12pm-1:30am


Salmanson Dining Hall (Salmo):

Monday – Thursday:

Breakfast: 7:15am-9:30am
Continental Breakfast: 9:30am -10:30am
Lunch: 10:45am-2:15pm
Dinner: 4:30pm-7:30pm


Breakfast: 7:15am-9:30am
Continental Breakfast: 9:30am-10:30am
Lunch: 10:45am-2:15pm
Dinner: 5:00pm-7:00pm

Saturday & Sunday:

Brunch: 10:00am-2:00pm
Dinner: 5:00pm-7:00pm



Monday – Thursday: 6:30am-11pm

Friday: 6:30am-6pm

Saturday: 10am-6pm

Sunday: 10am-11pm


What do most girls wear to class?

Girls wear all sorts of things…jeans and a top, yoga pants with a zip up, sundresses in the warmer weather, workout apparel, or business attire…really, anything goes. You will see a mixture of outfits around campus. Just wear something that is comfortable because it will be hard to focus if you’re not. However, save those cute “going out” outfits for the weekends instead of class. You don’t want to be “that” girl walking around in your five inch pumps!  The only time people really wear heels is when giving a presentation, and even then only an inch or two is acceptable!  Keep an eye out for some outfit articles this fall!

How can I find what clubs and organizations are for me?

At the beginning of the each semester, Bryant holds a Club and Organization Fair right outside of the student center! Here, 96 clubs and organizations have a chance to speak with students who are looking to get involved on campus! The Office of Campus Engagement will be hosting this event on Friday, September 6th from 10am-2pm. There are so many clubs and organizations to choose from at Bryant:

Academic Clubs

-Accounting Association

-Actuarial Association

-Bryant Economic Student Association (BESA)

-Bryant Marketing Association

-Bryant Psychology Association

-Collegiate Entrepreneur organization

-Communication Society

-Delt Epsilon Chi (DECA)

-Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity

-Finance Association

-International Business Association

-Legal Studies Society

-Society for Human Resource Management

-Sociological Thinkers or Bryant

-Pi Sigma Epsilon


Culture & Service Groups

-Alliance for Women’s Awareness

-Amnesty International

-Big Brothers of Bryant

-Big Sisters of Bryant

-Bryant Christian Fellowship

-Bryant Helps

-Bryant Pride

-Bryant University Spanish culture Organization (BUSCO)

-Colleges Against Cancer

-Fellowship of the Unashamed (FOTU)

-Franco B.U. (Francophones de Bryant University)

-Health Education Awareness Leaders (HEAL)


-Italian American Association


-Oxfam Club

-Students in Free Enterprise

-Wishful Thinking


Greek Organizations


-Interfaternal Council

-Order of Omega

-Pahellenic Council


-Delta Chi

-Delta Kappa Epsilon

-Phi Kappa Tau

-Sigma Chi

-Tau Kappa Epsilon


-Alpha Omicron Pi

-Delta Zeta

-Sigma Sigma Sigma

-Zeta Phi Beta


Major Organizations

-Commuter Connection

-Greek Leadership

-Internation Student Organization

-Multicultural Student Union

-Student Programming Board

-Student Senate


Media Organizations

-Her Campus Bryant

-Ledger Yearbook

-Tv Media Production

-The Archway

-WJMF Radio Station


Sports Clubs

-Bowling Club

-Badminton Club


-Figure Skating Club

-Karate Club

-Men’s Ice Hockey Club

-Men’s & Women’s Rugby

-Men’s Volleyball

-Racquetball Club

-Squash Club

-Table Tennis Club

-Ultimate Frisbee Club

-Wresting Club


Special Interest Groups

-Advanced Evolution

-Arts& Cultural Club

-Bryant Debaters

-Bryant Jazz Ensemble

-Bryant Mock Trial Association

-Bryant Outdoor Adventure Club

-Bryant Players

-Bryant Singers

-Chinese Dragon Dance Teams

-Running Club

-Ski & Snowboard Club

-Student Alumni Association

-Student Experiences abroad club (SEAC)

-The Bottom line

-The Podium

-Velocity Dance Team

-Bryant Chamber Ensemble

-Bryant Fashion Forum

-Bryant University Bulldog Dancers

Marissa is a sophomore at Bryant University majoring in management and minoring in psychology. She is the Social Media chair at HC, which she absolutely loves! Her favorite past times are baking (esp. chocolate covered pretzels) and exercising. Marissa hopes to work for a large corporation when she graduates in May 2016.