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Best Summer Reads

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

As summer is rapidly approaching, we look forward to a period of relaxation! A rare period of time without school work and group meetings, which only means one thing- you finally have free time to get into a good book! With almost four months away from text books it’s time to revamp the creative part of your brain. Here are our summer reading recommendations for you, with anything from meaningful stories to celebrity’s stories. Allow yourself to take some time off- get away from your world and fall into someone else’s. 

Deep and meaningful reads.

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven
– Mitch Albom
The Lucky One– Nicholas Sparks
The Help– Kathryn Stockett
Heaven is for Real– Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent
Eat, Pray, Love– Elizabeth Gilbert
Keeping It Simple! Keys to Living an Uncomplicated Life– Jayne DeRouin (check out our interview with Jayne in our blog!)

Loves stories and other carefree stories.

Saving Zoe– Alyson Noel
The Summer of Living Dangerously– Julie Cohen
Wanderlove– Kristen Hubbard
The Perks of Being a Wallflower– Stephen Chbosky
Hunger Games Trilogy– Suzanne Collins
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man– Steve Harvey
Water For Elephants– Sara Gruen
Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy – E.L. James

Get to know a celeb!

My Booky Wook– Russell Brand
Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea – Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang– Chelsea Handler
Influence-Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
Steve Jobs– Walter Isaacson

Makena is a senior at Bryant University, studying International Business, Marketing and Spanish. In addition to co-founding Her Campus at Bryant, Makena is a published author, a peer mentor for Academic Programs International, works as a research assistant on campus, and is over-involved in general (and loving it). When she isn’t running frantically between classes, work and meetings, Makena enjoys travel, good Tex-Mex and getting lost in a great book.