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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Go for a natural look, let your inner beauty shine. You are gorgeous and there is no reason to hide behind heavy chemicals. Take a break from your makeup and let your skin breathe! Even if you have a breakout or two it is nothing to be embarrassed of, you are human and it is time to embrace it. It is so much less stress, and you don’t have to worry about smudging, fading, or anything else in between. You will spend more time enjoying yourself and less time stressing in front of a mirror. Add some neutral eye shadow and a bit of mascara to go out; you might be surprised how many compliments you will end up getting!

Try a lipstick or stain with an orange tint! The color is very spring and will brighten up your face. Spring is a great time to try new things, so give orange tinted lipstick a chance. Trying it for only one day might change your perception of it. You will stand out from the crowd, and if you don’t rock it or it just isn’t your look feel free to file it in the deep depths of your makeup drawer.

Show a pop of color! Spring is a great time to experiment with colored makeup- it will make you feel fun. It is important to always try out different styles, plus your plain makeup routine is a bit boring. Spice up one part of your face, but not more than one at a time. Wouldn’t want you looking clownish… Even though with your face, you could probably rock clown makeup.

Add a bit of shimmer. Adding a gold shimmer to your eyeshadow occasionally will make you look hot. We are not talking about glitter, save that stuff for your occasional rave. But a shimmery or slightly metallic eyeshadow will make you look sultry and irresistible!

Photo Creit:

Image 1: http://skinn.com/blog/2012/03/09/get-the-look-timeless-natural-make-up/

Image 2: https://fashionforteens.wordpress.com/2011/03/29/quick-and-easy-spring-hair-and-makeup-looks/

Image 3: http://commercialpropertycashflow.com/aikmk/natural-makeup-blue-green-eyes

Image 4: http://fashion-kid.net/natural-makeup-for-dark-skin-tones.html